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Warning on single-layer rider jeans

Halvarssons Macan single-layer rider jeans

Riders have been warned again about single-layer protective rider jeans after Swedish company Halvarssons released their version.

It follows the release last year of single-layer rider jeans by Australian companies Saint and Suus.

Draggin Jeans boss Grant Mackintosh says they have been working on the technology for a few years and have still not been satisfied enough with the results to release a product.

Draggin Jeans boss Grant Mackintosh and his Next Gen rider jeans
Draggin Jeans boss Grant Mackintosh

“Our Scandinavian importer advises us of any new developments there,” he says.

“I didn’t like their protective lining because it was polyester (which is) highly flammable and melts.

“Saint single layer has been out for ages. It didn’t test well; very poorly in fact.

“The plant that makes all these denims routinely supply us with samples which we test. To date none have tested well enough for us to use.”

Draggin Jeans has always disputed Saint’s CE-approval and 5.9-second abrasion claim for their new single-layer Unbreakable 6 rider jeans. 

Saint Unbreakable Technical Black Denim Slim Fit rider Jeans
Saint Unbreakable jeans

Saint rider jeans

Saint says their new Unbreakable 6 is the first single-layer jean in the world that has an all-over CE EN13595 certified single-layer denim.

They say their CE EN13595 certified single-layer stretch denim is tested by two different European protection standards agencies: Dolomiticert in Italy and Satra Technology Centre in the United Kingdom.

There are also Suus Road Denim single-layer jeans made in Australia.

They are blended with Ultra-High Molecular Weight Polyethylene, a Dutch fabric claimed to offer similar protection to leather. The fabric is tested using EN-13595-2.

Suus unveil single-layer Road Denim rider jeans
Suus jeans

Halvarssons jeans

Now Halvarssons have released their Macan Jeans In Blue at £199 (about $A360) that’s woven using aramid fibres. 

They come with CE armour for the knees and hips.

Halvarssons Macan single-layer rider jeans
Halvarssons Macan single-layer jeans

Halvarssons claim they meet new EC standards that don’t officially come into force for another year.

When you start evaluating testing procedures, it gets complex.

For example, the new standard tests abrasion resistance for speed, not over time, so it is difficult to compare.Halvarssons Macan single-layer rider jeans

However, they are believed to have an equivalent of about four seconds of abrasion resistance.

They come in men’s sizes 48 to 60, plus short leg in sizes 50 to 58 and women’s ladies fit in EU sizes 38 to 46 (UK 10-18).

  1. I don’t think the exchange rate in the pricing is correct?
    $a36 is cheaper than target jeans.

  2. So the boss of one company says his competition is crap, despite passing accreditation, and that’s passed off as a story?


    1. Yep this. Wheres the fact checking? Wheres Saint or Suus right of reply? This reads like an advertisement for Draggin slagging off the competition.

      Thats not a warning.

      1. Hi “Stove” and Cameron,
        You may like to click on some of the links and do some of your own fact checking on the many articles we have run previously on this subject.
        The point here is that there is another brand now with single-layer jeans. Yet we still aren’t sure whether they are properly certified and there remain doubts over their protection.
        No doubt there will be more information coming when new certification ratings are finally approved in Australia and we will cover those as well.

          1. Ok, you have one link (only one, the Saint one goes to the Suus article) which this article is effectively a rehash of.

            Theres no opportunity for Saint or Suus to counter the accusations made by Draggin on your website, also if you’re publishing an article that states an opinion as fact its not my job to do the research to back that up its actually yours.

            If you want to claim this as an opinion piece thats fine but dont tel me there lots of information out there and I should fact check it myself.

            Draggin and Saint and Suus are all making claims about the strength and protective qualities of their products. Thats marketing and by publishing quotes like this: ““Saint single layer has been out for ages. It didn’t test well; very poorly in fact.” by one manufacturer against his competition is basically free advertising for that product.

            Its sloppy.

  3. I know Draggin make solid stuff but if Saint is CE approved and the Suus stuff is also tested what exactly isnt up to spec?

    Also you’ve literally only shown one side of the story here, you’ve published a company talking about the products of direct competitors without those competitors side of the story.

    Is it in Draggins best interest to discourage people from buying from their competition by saying that sort of stuff? It sure is!

    1. Hi Cameron,
      Did you not read the claims by Saint and the Saint and Suus EU certification numbers?
      You can also click on the links within the article for further information.

      1. I did read it actually, its still pushing the opinion of one manufacturer whos slagging off a competitor without asking for the other side of the story. Its comes across as an advertisement for Draggin and doesnt seem balanced at all.

        Also thanks for assuming im an idiot “Did you not read the claims by Saint and the Saint and Suus EU certification numbers?”

        1. Hi Cameron,
          I’m sorry. I did not intend to suggest you are an idiot.
          Unfortunately, too many of our readers simply don’t read the full story or check any of the links for further reading.
          This is a complex ongoing issue and every article can’t possibly hope to cover everything. Otherwise it would be a 1000-page book that no one would read!
          That’s why we provide links.
          You may also have seen the links at the end of the article under “Stories you may also like”.
          These are just a few of the articles we have published. As I suggested before, you could try a keyword search to read more articles.
          Furthermore, this issue will continue to be covered by us … as opposed to other websites and magazines which give scant coverage of important safety issues.
          In fact, I am currently working on a couple of articles on protective leather gear and the coming five-star rating system for rider gear.
          So stay in touch for the only comprehensive coverage of these important issues.

  4. Can of worms. That’s what you get when you want to compair standards set by different organisations. If memory serves Mark once linked to the the Australian testing where they used a simple grinding patch at a set speed for a set time. I couldn’t not find the EU method as it’s behind a pay wall. Comparing the standards is the only true way to make an assessment.
    Warning not all standards are as honest as they should be, and may include irrelevant tests or exclude the stuff you really want to know. Also there are counterfeit standards usually from Asia where the label is made to look like a Australian or EU standard. When two companies start head butting over claims you really need independent and unbiased professional help in deciphering standards.

      1. Yes, I remember that now. It was the belt sander that stuck in my mind, which almost seems too simple to provide consistent results. But if you control for the variables it is very reliable and consistent. The other factor should be, does the test reflect actual real world accidents. Coming up with good standards in any field is not easy.

  5. Golly gosh Cameron Flynn, most of us are old enough to pick the difference between the opinions of a manufacturer and the opinions of a journalist.
    Every manufacturer wants us to believe thier product is the best in some way. We get it.
    If Saint or Suus want to comment, I have no doubt they would get air time here. I’m sure I’m not the only reader here who would be interested. It’s all grist for the journalism mill.

  6. My name is Aidan Clarke and I’m a proud co-founder of Saint Moto. I’ve got nothing bad to say about Draggin, wore their denims for years, but always curious weather technology would allow for a lighter and cooler option that didn’t compromise safety. Yes Draggin years ago spoke with one of suppliers, and yes it wasn’t capable of meeting CE levels of abrasion resistance at that point in time. We are a stubborn team, and after two years and two million of R&D we evolved the technology and weaving techniques, achieving fabrics that rated at 3.79 secs, followed by 4 secs, and most impressively 5.9 secs. Draggin were incredulous and even wasted our time with legal claims and letters that we quickly had dismissed. We don’t claim to have CE rated jeans – as this requires and old fashioned high waisted cut – but we do market that our top Moto denims utilise CE rated fabrics in either impact zones (like the Model 1 and 2) or all over the product in Stretch and Unbreakable. Sometimes disruption causes disbelief, and in some cases underhand tactics from competitors. However we are thrilled with the real life performance of our singlelayer non bulky Saint jeans that have been saving skin and performing for our customers all of the world. We haven’t stopped innovating, we are excited about the future, and have multiple patents pending.

  7. Super dodgy article – did Draggin pay for this?. Draggin says other competitors jeans aren’t as good because they can’t come up with a good version themselves. At least that’s how I read it. I have a pair of draggin jeans and they have kevlar in the butt and on the knees and down the sides and that’s it. They’re hot and look terrible if I try and wear them to work. After that I bought a pair of the Saint Unbreakable 6 jeans. Haven’t worn the draggin jeans since. I’ve now bought 2 more pairs of jeans, 2 pairs of gloves and a pair of jeans for my girlfriend. I’ve had compliments at work on how nice my jeans look. The customer service I’ve received from Saint has been amazing as well and they’ve very quickly resolved any issues I’ve had. I even went to their store down in Melbourne and in store is just as good. I see no reason to go buy draggin jeans now – the fit is bad, they’re hot and overpriced for what you get.

    My other big gripe with draggin – they don’t fit women unless they’re pencil thin and have no hips. Confirmed by many women riders I’ve talked to. They look terrible on women as well. My gf spent ages trying on every style of draggin, and most were low rise except for one pair. Lovely – now her butt hangs out for everyone to see. Or the one pair that was higher looks like a square box. Now when we were down in Melbourne she tried some saints on and loved them! Good fit, stylish and came up high enough to actually offer protection and not show off her butt to strangers.

    1. So you buy motorcycle jeans because they look good and aren’t a bit warm on your Botty? Am I missing something here? If you want to look good and feel cool why not wear a pair of surf shorts?
      In case you have missed the mail properly designed and manufactured motorcycling jeans aren’t supposed to challenge Levis in the feel good stakes. They are designed to do a job. Protect you when you have an off.
      For mine you have your priorities all wrong. Buy the jeans that will protect you not the jeans that make you feel good and match your style…

      1. Yes flash, protect yourself by wearing the Draggin jeans that leave the lower back exposed instead of the jeans that cover that area with abrasion resistant material. Don’t get me wrong, your post is a very strong argument for adequate protection; but mostly because your lapse of logic might persuade people to wear helmets more often.

  8. I suppose the real test is to throw on a pair of Saint jeans and be dragged behind a bike as per the original Draggin jeans promo?

    1. I envision a cage match populated by all the CEO’s of bike jean companies dressed in their products, all equipped with belt sanders and butane torches. That last one standing and not needing hospitalisation wins.

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