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Ute and rider in road rage incident

Ute road rage

A motorcycle rider threading his way through a busy Brisbane roundabout has ended up in a road rage incident with an irate ute driver.

The incident occurred in Capalaba, Brisbane, in April last year but has only just been posted on AusCam – Australian Dashcam and CCTV Footage.

Brute in a ute

The video shows the rider has gone around the ute in the roundabout.

It seems the ute driver took offence and moves from the left to the right lane to try to hit the rider.

The motorcyclist backs off and moves to the left where he undertakes the ute which swerves toward him.

At the next set of lights the rider filters to the front of the queue of traffic, but the brute in the ute pulls up in the vacant left lane.

The driver gets out of the vehicle and approaches the rider and starts to throw punches.

We don’t know the full story and whether horns or gestures were exchanged.

However, it’s not the first road rage video between riders and drivers we have seen and definitely won’t be the last.

How do you think the rider could have better handled this situation?

Tips on handling road rage

We should do all we can to avoid being lured into road rage as riders usually come off second-best to bigger vehicles.

Queensland Police Senior Sergeant Ian Park who created the #ridesafely4me Facebook site says he’s not sure if it’s perception or reality, but “our roads appear to be becoming angrier places”.

“Unfortunately, it seems to involve individuals from all road user groups as both the victims and the perpetrators. Motorcyclists and bicyclists are of course the most vulnerable due to the lack of physical protection around them. But the fundamentals of personal safety of the roads are no different to anywhere else,” he says.

Queensland Police Senior Sergeant Ian Park a social media sensation reason
Sgt Park and a group of riders

Here are Ian’s tips to avoiding road rage:

If you find yourself feeling unsafe as a result of the actions of another road user, the first priority is to remove yourself from the situation as safely as possible. Unfortunately far too often incidents of poor behaviour by one road user to another are only exacerbated when the ‘victim’ retaliates. If another party chooses to yell at you, beep their horn or flash their lights – so what? Let them get it out of their system and get on their way. Inflaming the situation by ‘biting back’ rarely assists, and often only makes the situation more unsafe for everyone.

However if the other party continues to behave in a manner that makes you feel unsafe, then consider your environment. Perhaps pull into a service station, licensed premises or shopping centre that is likely to be fitted with external CCTV. This will often discourage the aggressor from taking the matter further if they know their actions (and registration details) are going to be recorded.

If no such place is available continue to drive without reacting to the aggressor until a place of safety is available, avoid making eye contact and attempt to disengage from the situation as best and safely as you can.

If you feel that you are in imminent danger, pull over and call triple zero (000). Don’t forget that ‘000’ from a mobile phone doesn’t necessarily go to your nearest operator, so always be ready to say ‘I need police in (name of City/town or nearest regional centre)’.

When speaking with a 000 operator, pass on relevant information that could assist police to investigate the matter, for example, registration details, descriptions of the person/s in the vehicle, time, date, correct location (in case there are traffic monitoring cameras located nearby etc.), descriptions about any features of the vehicle that are not standard (i.e. post factory fitted wheels, decorations, accessories, damage).

Emergency first-aid apps reason

If you carry any kind of video recording device, ensure the footage is set aside so that it doesn’t get recorded over before being provided to police. Make sure you don’t just secure the footage of the incident – also keep footage leading up to and beyond the incident to help clarify any potential counter claims by the other party that it was actually you that was the aggressor.

If the situation is over, but you are still of the belief that the matter warrants investigation with a view to action by police, you always have the right to report it. You can either attend your nearest open police station to speak to someone, contact the non-urgent police reporting number which is now 131 444 in almost all Australian Police Jurisdictions. Similarly most policing services across Australia also provide on-line reporting services. Just search the police service in your State or Territory to find their websites and follow the prompts.

Be mindful, however that any complaint of an incident involving one person upon another without any supporting evidence is often difficult to successfully prosecute. A successful prosecution requires sufficient evidence being presented to a court to determine that an offence was committed beyond reasonable doubt.

However, this should not prevent you from reporting the matter, but is something to keep in mind if police determine there is not sufficient evidence for a matter to proceed. It doesn’t necessarily mean police don’t believe you! If you provide police with a video recording you must be willing and able to give evidence.

  1. I’m surprised that the very serious incident wasn’t reported to the Police at the time.

  2. Close examination of the footage shows the Ute driver changing from the left to right hand lanes mid roundabout & the bike takes evasive action, the bikes brake light activate & perhaps the horn.
    The rider then goes around the ute, then the swerve & traffic light incident.
    The ute driver is a serious hazard & as I typed before he should have been reported immediately.

  3. “How do you think the rider could have better handled the situation?”

    Easy. Just do like I did the other day:

    “Yeah, fair call….sorry mate”

    Say this even if you’re the innocent party. Takes the wind right out of them and they leave. You’ll never see them again so who cares?

    Problem solved.

    1. Great recommendation. We’re so often preoccupied with proving ourselves right in the moment that we forget what’s often far more important (such as getting home in one piece).

    2. The very first thing the driver tried to do was run into the motorcyclist.
      Then actually assaulted him in broad daylight on a busy road.
      God help you if you get on the wrong side of this bloke in a deserted area.
      And from the footage it appears that merely being on the road is enough
      to trigger him. There would not be many of us who have not experienced
      behaviour like this. A vehicle used like this is as lethal as a gun and the driver should be treated in exactly
      the same way

  4. Talking single motorcyclist fatalities..This could so easily have had a very different ending.
    That ute driver should be charged and a life suspension of ever driving again. He is going to kill someone
    Have you got a clearer picture of his face?.. The police should pursue this even given the time lapsed.

  5. He picked on a very passive person, I personally would have headbutted him. Big tuff bully in his football shorts and sleeveless shirt. one word FLOG !!

  6. I don’t know if it is simply that there are more utes on the road particularly dual cabs or if they attract drivers with attitude but from my observations by far the majority of road rage incidents and aggressive driving I have witnessed have been committed by drivers of that style of vehicle. Recently I had one jump into the slip lane beside me at the lights, the lights changed I left him there then when he caught up at the next set he hurled abuse! Go figure?

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