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Tinwolf Motorcycle Reflective Vests

Motorcycle Reflective Vests

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Super bright reflective vests in a variety of designs are a lot of fun and help improve rider visibility.

We reviewed the Tinwolf reflective vest way back in June 2005.

The vests have proven to be very popular and it’s good to see that during this time the company has thrived and that motorcyclists are interested in staying visible and (hopefully) safe.

In the spirit of “if it works, don’t fix it”, the TinWolf vests haven’t changed, as far as we can tell.

The “Wolf” design is still one of the most popular, but another design caught my attention is the TinWolf military vest series.

It’s just coincidental that the TinWolf military design vests are the subject of this review just as we published a review of the Akuma Apache military themed helmet, so I guess it’s MilSpec week here at webBikeWorld.

What can I say?

The Nexus works in mysterious ways…

TinWolf Reflective Vest - Detail of Reflective Material
Detail of the front of the U.S. Marine Corps vest with the orange top.
TinWolf Reflective Vest - Side Adjustment Panel
Detail of the adjustment cord on the side of the vest.

TinWolf Reflective Vests

The TinWolf vest is built on a mesh body with a metal zipper in front.

The body of the vest is split on either side, under the arms. The split can be expanded or contracted, based on how the owner’s diet is going, to fit a wide range of sizes.

TinWolf gave me the secret tip: if you’re lucky enough to not have to use all of the cord, thread the remaining length up and through the criss-crossed straps to keep it out of the way.

The military version of the TinWolf vests come in two flavors: high-visibility yellow and what I guess you could call screamin’ high-viz orange.

These colors are up on top, at the highest portion of the vest around the shoulders to maximize daytime visibility.

They are especially noticeable at dawn, dusk and in rainy or foggy weather, when it is most important for the rider to have as much visibility as possible.

But the best part about the TinWolf vests is the quality of the reflective material, which is heat sealed on to the mesh vest body.

I hope you can see from the day/night photos below (actually dark/light, taken in the studio) that the reflective graphics are eye-poppingly brilliant.

When the flash hits it in the studio, I literally had to wait a few seconds for my pupils to return to normal. This stuff is really bright, and there’s a lot of it.

Plain old stripes or squares of reflective material can get pretty boring.

The key to the TinWolf designs is in the graphics, which add both surface area and interest to the vests.

And the designs that struck us as some of the best are the military versions shown below. Besides, speaking as an old Navy Reservist, who wouldn’t want to show off their colors?

As you can also see in the designs below, each vest is trimmed with the same reflective material, outlining the arms and hems.

This adds a nice finishing touch to the vests and, of course, it looks especially good at night.

In fact, the vests look so good, they actually make you want to ride at night just to show ’em off!

U.S. Air Force Orange Top Reflective Vest

TinWolf U.S. Air Force Reflective Vest - Orange, Day

TinWolf U.S. Air Force Reflective Vest - Orange, Night

U.S. Air Force Yellow Top Reflective Vest

TinWolf U.S. Air Force Reflective Vest - Yellow, Day

TinWolf U.S. Air Force Reflective Vest - Yellow, Night

U.S. Army Orange Top Reflective Vest

TinWolf U.S. Army Reflective Vest - Orange, Day

TinWolf U.S. Army Reflective Vest - Orange, Night

U.S. Army Yellow Top Reflective Vest

TinWolf U.S. Army Reflective Vest - Yellow, Day

TinWolf U.S. Army Reflective Vest - Yellow, Night

U.S. Coast Guard Orange Top Reflective Ves

TinWolf U.S. Coast Guard Reflective Vest - Orange, Day

TinWolf U.S. Coast Guard Reflective Vest - Orange, Night

U.S. Coast Guard Yellow Top Reflective Vest

TinWolf U.S. Coast Guard Reflective Vest - Yellow, Day

TinWolf U.S. Coast Guard Reflective Vest - Yellow, Night

U.S. Marine Corps Orange Top Reflective Vest

TinWolf U.S. Marine Corps Reflective Vest - Orange, Day

TinWolf U.S. Marine Corps Reflective Vest - Orange, Night

U.S. Marine Corps Yellow Top Reflective Vest

TinWolf U.S. Marine Corps Reflective Vest - Yellow, Day

TinWolf U.S. Marine Corps Reflective Vest - Yellow, Night

U.S. Navy Orange Top Reflective Vest

TinWolf U.S. Navy Reflective Vest - Orange, Day

TinWolf U.S. Navy Reflective Vest - Orange, Night

U.S. Navy Yellow Top Reflective Vest

TinWolf U.S. Navy Reflective Vest - Yellow, Day
TinWolf U.S. Navy Reflective Vest - Yellow, Night


The TinWolf reflective vests are an excellent and fun way to stay noticed. I hope you can see from the photos how bright the reflective material is and the crispness of the graphics.

TinWolf has many designs and they will entertain ideas for custom designs for your club or other project.

More: Original TinWolf Reflective Vest Review

wBW Review: TinWolf Reflective Vests
Manufacturer: TinWolf (UK) List Price: £20 and up.
Colors: Various Made In: UK
Sizes: Adjustable Review Date: September 2010

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