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Suzuki ATV VIN Locations

Suzuki ATV VIN Locations

To help you locate the VIN number on a Suzuki ATV I’ve compiled a list of possible locations. Suzuki ATV VIN location varies by year and model, the Suzuki LTR 250 Quadrunner location is different from the Vinson, Z400 and Kingquad for example so lets break the search down by model. This is a Suzuki Vin location guide, actual position may vary.

Popular general locations to find a Suzuki VIN number are on the rear frame and rear vertical bars. If you have looked and looked but cannot find the this might help.

Some possible reasons you can’t find the VIN include…

  • The VIN is worn down and painted over
  • The VIN was on a metal plate that has fallen off due to corrosion
  • The VIN was on a part of the ATV’s frame that has been replaced
  • The VIN is hidden behind an attachment, typically the ATV winch

Common Suzuki ATV VIN Locations

Suzuki LTR 450 Vin Location: On a metal plate next to the frame near the kicker area, visible just to the left of the plug.

Suzuki Eiger: VIN is located on the LEFT rear cross member beside the mud wing.
Suzuki 250 VIN Locations

Suzuki 250 Quadrunner: VIN is located on the RIGHT rear vertical bar next to the taillight.

300 King Quad: VIN is on a small metal plate and can be seen on the LEFT rear vertical frame member.

700 King Quad: on the LEFT rear frame, behind the tire.
Other Suzuki ATV Vin Spots

Vinson 500: VIN is located on the right rear frame of the quad, between the tire and fender.

QuadSport Z90: VIN is found on the LEFT rear side of the frame (model number is on the right rear).

General Rule: Suzuki usually stamps a VIN on the side opposite of the muffler.

Additional Information

What Now? Once you locate your ATV VIN number check it with a free ATV VIN check tool to make sure it’s not a fake. If you can’t get the information you want from any of the VIN checking services listed take it to your nearest authorized Suzuki ATV dealer and I’m sure he’ll have a manual available for your particular four wheeler.

Tip: If you have a four wheeler that wasn’t widely sold you can find out if there has ever been a recall order for your particular ATV model and if there has the VIN location is included on notices to help consumers find affected models. Example: 2004 and 2005 model year Suzuki LT-A500F Vinson, Suzuki LT-F500F Vinson LT-A700X KingQuad ATVs have been recalled and the location was in the release (right rear frame).

Help me improve this list – If you find your VIN in a different location send me a note and include your year, make and model as well as the location on the VIN. Thanks.

How to find the year of a Suzuki ATV

The year of a Suzuki ATV is found by looking at the 10th digit of the VIN and matching it to the corresponding year on a VIN year chart.

If you’re still not sure about something or need model specific info I highly recommend that you download your Suzuki ATV’s manual. It is packed with the information and always good to have on hand.

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