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SR400 NITRO HEADS Easyriders Japan

Nitro Heads or Nitroheads are a style of urban attack bobber served up by Easyriders Japan. Nitroheads are lean agile small and fast and just the ticket for getting around in congested Tokyo traffic and oh yea Nitrohead have soul man!

Built In: Japan Bike Style: Bobber


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SR400 Nitro Heads Bike Specifications – Easyriders Japan

Class Styling Bobber
Frame Yamaha Frame
Gastank Mustang Gastank
Intake Cover Cone Filter
Motor Brand Yamaha Motor
Motor Size (metric) 0400cc
Paint Color(s) PurplePink
Seat Bates or Bates cloneSolo Sprung
Suspension Front Conventional – Standard
Suspension Rear Swingarm Vertical Shocks