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SEVEN LC Fabrications

Seven (as in it’s the seventh motorcycle to roll out of the LC Fabrications) features a 500cc Buell Blast motor with a Ducati top-end and mated to a Triumph transmission. In a room filled with the greatest builders in the USA…and even a few from abroad….more talent than can be described by words. Seven by Jeremy Cupp of LC Fabrications was selected by his peers as the winner of the Artistry in Iron master builders championship 2015 in Las Vegas. Photos of her dad and his creation by Harleigh Cupp.

Built In: U.S.A. Bike Style: Trackers

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Seven Bike Specifications – LC Fabrications

Class Styling Trackers
Exposure/Publication 1st Place WinnerArtistry in Iron Bike
Featured Parts KickstartPerimeter BrakesOpen Primary
Frame Custom One Off Frame
Gastank Custom One Off GastankSplit Gastank
Handlebars / Risers MX / Tracker Bars
Intake Cover Custom One Off
Paint Color(s) Bare Metal
Seat Solo Solidmount
Suspension Front Springer
Suspension Rear Rigid / Hardtail
Wheels Standard 40-80 spokes