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Riders needed for road safety survey

Motorcycle Riders Association of Queensland photo - riders at Federal Parliament mandatory recalls representative road safety survey

Riders are urged to take part in a major survey on attitudes to road safety strategies which has so far only received responses from four motorcyclists.

Click HERE to take part in the survey!

Dr João Canoquena of the University of Notre Dame Australia, says the final round of the survey now requires rider support to help balance the outcomes.

The survey covers community concerns about road safety strategies such as speed enforcement, wire rope barriers, roadside breath/drug testing, speed cameras, graduated licensing schemes and more.Wire rope barriers promise road safety survey

He says the survey is confidential.

“No individual participant will be identified to a third party,” he says.

“The results will only be used as aggregate outcomes. Once analysed, the data will be destroyed.”

Negative feedback

The survey author has responded to some of the negative feedback on the complexity of the survey:

Please read this from the survey author:

Thank you all for the comments, especially those which pinpoint the specific weaknesses of the survey. In fact, surveys of this nature are never easy to either design or explain. This is a survey whose aim is to develop a scale (i.e. a list of evaluative statements, which allow strategies to be measured, assessed and improved upon). Scale development surveys tend to be long and rather repetitive as the idea is to select the scale items with the highest validity score, a type of elimination exercise in which the statements with the most valid score are retained. If respondents are inconsistent in their answers, these answers are not retained by the computer. Therefore, the designer builds a large (rather than a small) number of questions into the survey. Giving up may have appeared to be the right thing to do at the time. However, for every person who gives up halfway through the survey, the scale development suffers a major setback. It relies on numbers. The larger the sample, the more reliable the results are likely to be. Therefore, I would urge everyone out there who has not completed the survey to do so. Persevere through it as best as you possibly can. It is not meant to be easy. In the end, we hope to create a new process-oriented policy instrument for developing and evaluating road safety strategies from a community’s perspective.

Riders under-represented

Dr João says there were only four people in the original survey who nominated motorbike as the main means of transport to work, place of leisure or education.

“This small number limits the sorts of analyses one can conduct,” he says.

“I would like to have more motorcyclists in the sample.

Dr João says a bigger response from motorcyclists would provide answers to questions about the strategies specific to riders such as wire rope barriers.

Safety surveyradar police speed camera demerit hidden lidar road safety survey

His project started with a pilot survey, following the analysis of 544 written public submissions to the former Australian Transport Council.

“The point the study seems to be making is that there are sentiments in the community that do not seem to be picked up by policy design,” he says.

“Those in charge of policy design do not seem to be aware that the negativity in the community has a wide range of nuances.

“It is not about people supporting or not a strategy. There is a wide range of emotions associated with some strategies, which may include disbelief, refutation, dissent etc.

“There are those who are not happy or resent certain policies, but will always be rather passive. There are others, however, who are starting to refuse certain policies. They will grow more disenchanted unless there is some sort of redress.” 

  1. I am concerned about motorcycle safety.
    It is safer to speed up and pass slow traffic , then get back to the correct lane and down to the listed speed limit. In this way less time is spent on the opposing lane. This behaviour is recommended in the UK.
    It ought to be recommend here too.
    We can all live with solid barriers at the roadside providing they are low enough to deflect fallen riders from being stopped abruptly be posts. The cheese cutter wire ropes used so widely beneath Amco barriers are deadly to fallen bikers.
    A bit off topic, but Rego should apply to the rider. Not the bike as you can only ride one at a time. This would encourage those bikers who currently ride unregistered bikes to be registered.
    More of the road tax built into the price of fuel ought to be spent on safer roads.

  2. I have concerns about driverless vehical technology not able to recognise motorbikes

  3. Well, back a number of years now, NSW introduced their training/licensing system for motorbike riders.
    Since it was introduced, the rate of fatal accidents for new riders declined quite seriously.
    OK, so that worked.
    One does wonder why they still seem to hand out car driver licenses with cornflakes packets.
    I suppose it’s an issue for re-election or some such.

  4. In general, the road safety concern I have is the complete lack of basic understanding of traffic. I would suggest this lack of correct attitude stems from lack of proper driver training. Motorbike rider training with pre-licence training etc. had proven to work in reducing fatalities. If we could have a proper driver training instead of dads and mums passing on their inferior understanding to their children, we would see the difference in driver behaviour. I’m been fortunate enough to drive and ride in different countries and e.g. in Europe you can easily pinpoint the difference in traffic culture. Speed control is not for renew purposes, instead it has been recognised as a proper tool to curb unruly behaviour at dangerous locations. How come I can do unlimited speed in Germany and then at urban areas I can easily do signposted speed. Because it makes sense and one doesn’t became frustrated driver / ride. In Italy I have ridden between traffic where cars actually move over ever slightly to give you room to go through. Here drivers actually close the gap. Other aspectS of improvement would be to invest in proper road engineering. Merging lines too short, power poles right next to the kerb, inferior road surfaces etc. with ever-changing speed limits. Try to concentrate to be in control of your vehicle when speed limit vary 10k every few hundreds of meters with local constabulary keeping a stern eye on with radar. I also ride a pushie, ute and motorbike of course with annual k’s around 35,000km. In closing, a proper driver and rider training is a must. Train people to understand the risks and enjoyment of proper control or ones vehicle. Stop nannying with stupid speed control and absolutely useless variable speed control.

  5. it would get more response if there was an online form… few people are going to print it out and then trot off to the post office to stand in a Queue these days…

  6. I clicked on the link and was taken to a multi-choice page, where top of columns seemed to be questions and each row was a choice between very important, down to very non-important… I tried going along the column by column to provide how important (or not) each column header question was, but It wanted questions by rows ??? That doesn’t make sense so I’ve given up

    1. Hi Phil,
      I agree it seems poorly designed from a layman’s perspective, but the academics seem to credit its veracity and are keen to see the results.
      Shame you didn’t persist. We need riders as participants so our voices are heard.

      1. Survey doesn’t properly display full range of questions on my mobile phone or iPad’s screens. This makes it execptionally difficult to read all the information in order to respond & navigate through in its entirety.

        I will try again on my laptop to see if it is the device or the survey’s designed layout at fault.

  7. I did the survey and came to the conclusion that whoever compiled it has no idea that motorcycles exist! No mention of them or the relevant hazards. More interested in drug tests. Not sure what good it does.

    1. Hi Colin,
      I agree, but the academics tell us that Motorbike Writer reader support has now skewed the results toward motorcyclists.
      And the road authorities say they are interested in the final report, so you help will give riders a voice.

  8. Should be compulsory education when one sits or studies for a car license,to beware of motorcycles. So many car driver’s that have only ever driven car’s do not see motorcyclists. 90 % of car driver’s Have the mindset to only look for car’s or larger vehicles. Education is the key .

  9. Can’t get past the first question on the survey – Part A: Road Safety Strategy Features by Perceived Importance appears to be incorrectly displaying on ALL of my devices (mobile phone, iPad & laptop).
    Why does this section allow all responses of Very Important / Important / Neither / Unimportant / Highly Unimportant under the same single question option? And why does it not allow you to respond to any other ‘topic questions’ in this section?

    As a REQUIRED response question, it seems very strange to be able to select all the options??

    Survey cannot not be completed and results sent without selecting each of the conflicting responses in this section.

    1. I agree with Van – I clicked that something was “Very Important” and when I clicked “Very Important” again, further across the row, it unclicked my first “very important”. I am currently in Uni and have done a Statistics class and I can tell you this survey is a mess. It is set up incorrectly and cannot be completed.

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