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Riders get ready to rumble!

Rumble strips roadworks

If you head into roadworks, get ready to rumble over new temporary yellow rumble strips that have been deemed a safe for motorcycles.

The temporary portable rumble strips have been trialled in NSW for the past two years and have been used in other states including Victoria, Western Australia, South Australia and Queensland for a few years.

Now the bright yellow 20mm high strips are being formally introduced into NSW. 

Rumble safely

Rumble strips roadworks
Temporary rumble strips are used throughout the world

We asked SafeWork NSW if the strips would pose a slip hazard for riders, but they claim they “are safe for vehicles to drive over, including motorcyclists”.

If you’ve had problems with these strips, please alert us.

Meanwhile, we suggest riders approach the strips slowly and at right angles so the front wheel doesn’t slip along the leading edge.

They will be installed along with road signs and warnings on selected roadwork sites where the speed limit is 60km/h or less.  

These rumble strips do exactly that … they “rumble” or vibrate when you ride over them.

They may also cause a slight bump in your bike’s steering.

Roadworks crashes

Hartford Classic 250 Riding scooter motorcycle roadworks rumble
Waiting at roadworks lights

SafeWork NSW Executive Director Operations, Tony Williams, says the temporary strips are a response to crashes at roadworks.

“With the current amount of roadwork projects and investment in NSW the more workers we have out there developing our infrastructure, the more we need to address the risks associated with construction work,” he says. 

Spring and summer are the most popular seasons for roadworks.

“Many workers are seriously injured or killed when hit by moving plant, or in on-site vehicle collisions. 

“Last month a worker sustained multiple fractures after he was struck by a vehicle when collecting warning signs at a Hornsby roadwork site. 

“Rumble strips are a simple way to remind drivers and motorists that they are in a higher risk area. 

“Other essential safe work systems include separating workers from moving plant and vehicles wherever possible, with physical barricades, exclusion zones and segregated work processes.”

  1. Another hazard!
    We have metal yellow speed bumps just like those pictured in a carpark & you don’t step on them with any hint of moisture or you’ll lose your footing in grippy sneakers.
    “Rumble strips are a simple way to remind drivers and motorists that they are in a higher risk area” by providing another risk for motorcyclists. So bollocks to N.S.W SafeWork ‘experts’

  2. Motorcycle rider please ask SafeWork NSW for the motorcycle safety test procedure they used to come to the conclusion that rumble strips are safe for motorcycles. They need the coefficient of friction, the videos showing a motorcycle emergency braking in the wet & dry going straight over & at an angle from the posted speed limit, this would need to done with different types of bikes & tyres, from semi slick type tyres to dot knobby tyres, testing should also include a rider stopping over the strip & putting their foot down on the strip to steady the bike, the strip would have to be tested with different types of fluids on them, water, engine coolant, oil etc & when dry. if these tests haven’t been performed & cant provide evidence as such SafeWork NSW must be aware that they are liable for any incidents attributed to the rumble strips & should remove them until can be proved otherwise. Is it legal for SafeWork NSW just to put stuff on the road just because blind Freddy said it was safe & not have gone through full testing procedures? SafeWork NSW please clarify?

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