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All riders can have say on lane filtering

Lane filtering commuter

Queensland has launched an online survey on plans to introduce lane-filtering, commonsense rider control rules and international helmet standards. Read my story here.

The great news is that riders from any state can participate. You don’t even need to be Australian! The survey requires you to register with your email address, not your postcode. So it’s important that as many riders as possible participate so that the commonsense rules aren’t rejected. Acceptance of these rules could then spread to other states for a welcome uniform approach.

Online survey on lane filtering and other motorcycle issues
Online survey on lane filtering and other motorcycle issues

The survey only takes a few minutes, depending on how much you want to say. Click here to take part.

The survey asks whether you support each rule and then asks for “Additional comments ”. Here are my responses to each of the questions.

Do you think lane filtering (travelling at low speed through stationary or slow moving vehicles) should be allowed in Queensland?

Response: It will benefit all motorists as it will free up traffic and cut commuting times. It will also reduce the incidence of rear-enders for motorcyclists.

If lane filtering is allowed in Queensland, what speed do you think is an appropriate maximum speed for the motorcycle to travel? (It then gives speeds up to 30km/h or “other” which I ticked.

Response: There shouldn’t be a set speed limit, because it will be too d difficult to monitor. Police should be allowed to use their discretion if someone is riding dangerously for the conditions.

If lane filtering is allowed in Queensland, do you support motorcycle riders being allowed to lane filter near trucks or buses?

Response: Trucks and buses are actually less likely to suddenly change lanes or open doors. So long as there is ample room, a rider is safe passing them.

If lane filtering is allowed in Queensland, do you support motorcycle riders being allowed to ride on sealed areas of the road to the left of an edge line?

Response: More effective use of our roads and peripheries will mean less need for improved infrastructure.

If lane filtering is allowed in Queensland, do you support motorcycle riders being allowed to stop in bicycle storage areas? (They mean the bike lane at traffic lights.)

Response: This is a low-speed area and it will not endanger cyclists. It makes more effective use of the roads and allows bikers to get away from the traffic and potential rear-enders.

Do you support removing the road rule that requires motorcycle riders to sit astride their seat facing forwards? This will mean the Queensland Police Service will use other rules to ensure riders do not ride dangerously, for example side-saddle or stunt riding.

Response: The rules are too proscriptive and inadvertently condemn riders for stretching their legs.

Do you support removing the road rule that requires motorcycle riders to keep at least 1 hand on the handlebars at all times, even when stationary and adjusting their visor?

Response: Riders often use this stationary time to adjust mirrors, luggage and other items on themselves and their bike which may shift or require attention and the use of two hands.

Do you support removing the road rule requiring motorcycle riders to keep both feet on the footrests when the motorcycle is moving, which currently prevents them removing a foot even momentarily to stretch?

Occasional leg stretches will actually keep riders more alert. they should also be allowed to stand occasionally to stretch or to negotiate slippery road surfaces such as gravel.

Do you support allowing motorcycle riders and passengers to wear helmets that meet standards other than the Australian standards (for example, European, United States and Japanese standards)?

It will mean helmets do not have to be tested again, incurring extra expense. That will make helmets cheaper and riders more likely to renew helmets before they get too old.

Do you have any general comments about the proposed changes to the road rules for motorcycle riders?

These are commonsense rules that would catch up with the rest of the world and the government should be applauded for this move. However, we should also push for a uniform approach to these rules across the whole nation. Otherwise riders traveling interstate will be inadvertently caught out by conflicting rules.

The above are only my answers. You may have other answers or you may choose to use mine as a guide. But whatever you do, don’t let this chance for some commonsense rules to go by.

Following is the full text of the discussion paper:

Motorcycle discussion paper

Road rules for motorcycle riders


Motorcycle riding has increased in popularity in Queensland in recent years. More people are using motorcycles for commuting and recreational purposes for a variety of reasons: for example they are cheaper to run than a car; they take less parking space; and they may help the rider avoid traffic congestion.

The below table shows the steady increase in registered motorcycles in Queensland over the past five years.

Year Number of registered motorcycles
2009 157,583
2010 161,266
2011 168,552
2012 177,478
2013 186,120

In May 2014, the Minister for Transport and Main Roads approved the public release of a discussion paper to obtain feedback from all Queenslanders on reducing red tape and improving transport outcomes for motorcycle riders whilst preserving safety outcomes.

Purpose of this discussion paper

The purpose of this discussion paper is to seek feedback from Queenslanders on some possible changes to existing policies for motorcycle riders that could be introduced to reduce red tape and regulation and to create a more efficient road network.

The proposed changes in this paper have been identified through reviewing the current policies, and considering existing Queensland crash and offence data, relevant research, and also what is happening elsewhere in Australia and overseas.

It should be noted that these proposals are not government policy and are for consultation purposes only. The government is seeking the views of Queenslanders before considering the possible implementation, costs and likely benefits of any new initiatives.


Community feedback on this discussion paper will be obtained by an online survey on the Queensland Government’s Get Involved website (see The survey will take 5 to 10 minutes, depending on how much feedback respondents wish to provide, and will be open for community feedback for six weeks.

Queenslanders are invited to review the discussion paper and complete the online survey to show whether they support or do not support each of the proposals. They are also able to provide extra comments or skip questions they do not wish to answer. No demographic information will be collected from the people who complete the survey.

Initiatives being considered

This discussion paper considers three initiatives:

  1. Lane filtering
  2. Motorcycle control
  3. Motorcycle helmets
  4. Lane Filtering

Riding a motorcycle through traffic or overtaking between vehicles on a multilane road at high speed is dangerous, but are the same dangers present at low speeds?

The terms ‘lane filtering’ and ‘lane splitting’ can havedifferent meanings. In this paper, lane filtering is used to describe a motorcycle rider moving at low speed through stationary or slow moving vehicles and lane splitting is used to describe a motorcycle rider moving at higher and potentially unsafe speed through moving traffic.

The current Queensland rules do not specifically ban lane filtering or lane splitting. But there are several road rules that motorcycle riders may break if they are lane filtering or lane splitting. This makes it hard for motorcycle riders to legally lane filter or lane split. Rules that motorcycle riders are likely to break include:

  • not staying within a marked lane
  • changing lanes without signalling, or without signalling for sufficient time
  • not leaving a safe distance when overtaking another vehicle
  • changing lanes across continuous lines
  • crossing a white edge line or riding in a special purpose lane
  • not stopping at a stop line at traffic lights
  • overtaking to the left of a vehicle

Should there be change?

Lane filtering is often already practised by motorcycle riders on Queensland roads, especially when traffic is congested, despite the potential for breaking the road rules. If done safely, lane filtering may ease traffic congestion for all road users.

But there are some potential dangers associated with lane filtering. Pedestrians may face a greater safety risk from both a lack of awareness of motorcycle riders being allowed to lane filter and from motorcycle riders moving unpredictably in areas which pedestrians frequent. The motorcycle rider also may face a greater danger when lane filtering from vehicles suddenly changing lanes or drivers opening vehicle doors without looking. However, these dangers can be minimised by applying appropriate conditions for when and where lane filtering can be undertaken.

Allowing lane filtering in Queensland would mean that our road rules may be different from those elsewhere in Australia, so motorcycle riders would have to be aware of this when riding interstate.

What evidence is there?

There is limited research on the risks and benefits of lane filtering by motorcycle riders. Findings about the percentage of motorcycle crashes directly caused by lane filtering vary, however some studies have shown that lane filtering was a factor in less than one to five percent of motorcycle crashes. A study from the United States compared crash statistics in California, where lane filtering is legal, with those of other states and concluded that lane filtering reduces the risk of rear-end crashes for motorcycle riders. However, research from the United Kingdom found that crashes sometimes occurred when drivers did not check for lane filtering motorcycle riders in traffic.

New South Wales conducted a trial of lane filtering in parts of Sydney in 2013, which indicated that the risks for motorcycle riders are low provided certain safety conditions are met, and that motorcycle travel times may be reduced and congestion benefits may increase as the number of motorcycle riders increases.

What’s happening elsewhere?

Other Australian states and territories currently have similar rules to Queensland which essentially discourage lane filtering and lane splitting.

However, following their trial, New South Wales is introducing changes to its laws to allow lane filtering. Under these laws, lane filtering will refer to a motorcycle rider riding at a speed of 30km/h or less between lanes of stopped or slow moving vehicles. Lane splitting (that is, riding at a speed over 30km/h between lanes of traffic) will be illegal, and a new rule specifically banning lane splitting is being introduced. It is anticipated the new laws will commence 1 July 2014.

Lane filtering is legal in California in the United States, the United Kingdom and some other European countries.

Possible changes

While taking the New South Wales lane filtering proposed laws into consideration, Queensland does not have to mirror them. For example, the proposed New South Wales maximum lane filtering speed of 30km/h may not be considered the correct speed for Queensland conditions.

Further, under its new laws, New South Wales is proposing to prevent motorcycle riders from lane filtering in kerb side lanes or next to parked vehicles, areas where they can currently legally ride. In Queensland and in most other jurisdictions, motorcycle riders in the act of passing can legally ride alongside another vehicle in a lane or share a lane with a parked vehicle, provided there is sufficient space to pass safely.

If lane filtering is introduced, Queensland is considering allowing these practices to continue and possibly changing some other road rules. This approach may allow motorcycle riders to ride on parts of the road where they cannot currently ride, such as sealed areas to the left of the edge line and bicycle storage areas. A bicycle storage area is the area of road close to an intersection with traffic lights that allows cyclists to wait in front of vehicles stopped at the intersection; they are usually painted green with white bicycle symbols (refer to diagram below).

It is proposed to allow lane filtering in Queensland with suitable conditions attached to help ensure the safety of all road users. It is proposed motorcycle riders will only be allowed to ride between stationary or slow moving vehicles under the following conditions:

  • it is only allowed ‘when safe to do so’
  • riders must not filter at high speeds (for example speeds in excess of 30km/h)
  • learner and provisional riders are not permitted to lane filter because of their inexperience
  • lane filtering is not allowed in school zones during school zone hours
  • motorcycle riders will also be warned for their own safety not to lane filter near heavy vehicles or buses

It is also proposed to create a new offence for lane splitting. This offence would apply to motorcycle riders lane splitting at high speeds (for example speeds in excess of 30km/h), and would be in addition to the other penalties that may currently apply.

Have your say via the online survey.

Visit the Queensland Government’s Get Involved website ( to have your say.


  1. Motorcycle Control

Maintaining proper control of the motorcycle is critical for safe riding but prescriptive requirements need to be balanced with the practical realities of riding a motorcycle

Maintaining proper control of the motorcycle is critical for safe riding. The current rules say that the rider of a motorcycle that is moving must keep both feet on the motorcycle’s footrests; if the motorcycle is moving or stationary (but not parked), the rider must sit astride the rider’s seat facing forwards with at least one hand on the handlebars. In addition, there are other rules that say motorcycle riders must have proper control of their motorcycle, must ride with due care and attention, and must not operate their motorcycle dangerously.

Should there be change?

The rules specifying where motorcycle riders must have their hands and feet, and how they must sit on the motorcycle were intended to give riders clear guidelines to make sure they have proper control of their motorcycle. They were also intended to prevent unsafe, reckless or dangerous behaviour, such as stunt riding.

But these rules do not adequately take into account the everyday practicalities of riding a motorcycle. Riders break the rule about keeping both feet on the footrests if they remove their feet to reverse into a parking space, decelerate to stop, or accelerate after stopping. Similarly a rider breaks the current rules if they use both hands to adjust a visor while the motorcycle is stationary.

These specific rules were originally put in place to ensure safe riding but other broader rules about having proper control of a motorcycle, riding with due care and attention, and not operating a motorcycle dangerously already make unsafe riding illegal. This means that the more specific rules may be redundant and could be removed without compromising safety.

Changing the Queensland road rules about motorcycle control would mean our road rules may be different from those elsewhere in Australia, so motorcycle riders need to be aware of this when riding interstate.

What evidence is there?

There is limited evidence regarding the effectiveness of these specific rules. Very few traffic infringement notices, fewer than 30 per year on average, are issued to motorcycle riders in Queensland for not having their hands, feet or body in the correct position on the motorcycle.

What’s happening elsewhere?

All Australian states and territories have similar rules that the rider must sit astride the rider’s seat facing forwards, keep both feet on the footrests and ride with at least one hand on the handlebars. But all other jurisdictions are considering relaxing these rules to say that a motorcycle rider:

  • may take their feet off the footrests, if the motorcycle is moving at less than 10km/h and the rider is parking the motorcycle, decelerating to stop or accelerating after stopping; and
  • must only keep at least one hand on the handlebars if the motorcycle is moving; they may remove both hands if the motorcycle is stationary.

Possible changes

It is proposed to remove the rules about where motorcycle riders must have their hands and feet, and how they must sit. It is intended to retain broader rules in relation to motorcycle riders maintaining proper control of their motorcycle, riding with due care and attention, and not operating their motorcycle dangerously.

Information about safe operation of motorcycles is available in the Queensland Motorcycle Riders’ Guide.

Have your say via the online survey.

Visit the Queensland Government’s Get Involved website ( to have your say.

  1. Motorcycle Helmets

Motorcycle helmets provide protection in the event that the rider is involved in a crash

Motorcycle helmets are designed and manufactured to meet a range of performance requirements including resistance to penetration, impact absorption, strength of the retention system (usually a strap to the lower jaw area) and peripheral vision.

It is law that motorcycle riders and their passengers must wear an approved motorcycle helmet securely fitted and fastened on their head. In Queensland an approved helmet is one that complies with Australian standards AS1698 or AS/NZS1698, or another standard that is considered at least equal to these standards. Because it is so difficult to compare different standards with their differing performance requirements, no overseas motorcycle helmet standards have as yet been approved. This means only motorcycle helmets that comply with the Australian standards can be legally worn in Queensland.

Should there be change?

The large number of motorcycle riders in other countries (for example, Japan has approximately six times and Western Europe four times more motorcycle riders than Australia), means that the range of helmets manufactured is greater. Helmets approved under overseas standards such as the European, United States or Japanese standards offer a much larger range.

Only approving helmets that meet the Australian standard limits the range of helmets available for use, and in some instances the sizing allowed by the Australian standard does not cater for larger head sizes.

As the international and national markets for helmets grow with increasing motorcycle use and as ‘on-line’ retail increases, it is timely to review approved helmet standards in Queensland.

It is very important that motorcycle rider and passenger safety is not compromised by the acceptance of standards that are not at least equivalent to the Australian standard.

Changing the Queensland rules about motorcycle helmets would mean that rules may be different from those elsewhere in Australia, so motorcycle riders would have to be aware of this when riding interstate.

What evidence is there?

A range of studies over the past few decades discussing helmet use clearly show that wearing a motorcycle helmet reduces fatality and head injury rates compared to not wearing a helmet. The non-use of helmets has been identified as a specific factor leading to head injuries and fatalities resulting from motorcycle crashes. Helmets as a protective measure have been identified to be effective towards head injury prevention and reducing the fatality risk of motorcycle riders by 34 percent.

However, there is still debate when comparing helmet standards and how these influence helmet performance. Generally speaking, standards applied in Europe, the United States and Japan are similar to Australian standards. However, key differences include how tests are carried out, what is tested and variations in acceptable results (for example rigidity).

What’s happening elsewhere?

All Australian states and territories require motorcycle riders and passengers to wear approved helmets, and most jurisdictions only approve helmets that meet Australian standards.

New South Wales has a medical exemption for a rider whose head is too large to fit safely and comfortably into an approved Australian helmet, allowing them to wear a helmet complying with specified European, American and Japanese standards.

Possible changes

It is proposed to investigate the adoption of other motorcycle helmet standards within Queensland. In considering the possible recognition of other standards the quality and integrity of the helmet must be maintained, given their important safety function.

Have your say via the online survey.

Visit the Queensland Government’s Get Involved website ( to have your say.



Lane filtering:


New South Wales. Centre for Road Safety. Lane filtering. Accessed April 2014 at


Crundall, D., Clarke, D., Ward, P. & Bartle, C. (2008). Car Drivers’ Skills and Attitudes to Motorcycle Safety: A Review. Road Safety Report No. 85. London, UK: Department for Transport. Accessed April 2014 at


Guderian,S. (2012). Lane sharing as a motorcycle rider safety practice; a further evaluation. Accessed April 2014 at


Sperley, M. & Pietz, A. (2010). Motorcycle Lane Sharing: Literature Review. Report No. OR-RD-10-20. Oregon, USA: Oregon Department of Transportation.


Motorcycle control:


Queensland. Department of Transport and Main Roads. (2013). Queensland Motorcycle Riders’ Guide. Accessed April 2014 at



Motorcycle helmets:


World Health Organization (2006). Helmets: A Road Safety Manual for Decision-makers and Practitioners. WHO, Geneva, Switzerland. Accessed April 2014 at


Keng, S. (2005). Helmet use and motorcycle fatalities in Taiwan. Accident Analysis and Prevention, 31, 349-55. Abstract accessed April 2014 at


Dee, T. (2009). Motorcycle helmets and traffic safety. Journal of Health Economics, (2): 398-412. Abstract accessed April 2014 at


  1. Filled in my comments this morning… in the past I have written to both my local member, The Premier and the Transport minister. Got replies saying it was being looked at.. good to see this initiative.

    Most of the changes suggested are simply common sense. The mark of bad legislation is the unintended consequences… like not being allowed to have a leg stretch etc.

    As for helmet legislation.. surely with European and UK standards being among the toughest, not withstanding the USA DOT then why not allow access to these helmets by amending the legislation. Motorcyclists touring the world who cross Australia often wear helmets that meet their home country’s legislation, but not ours. Crazy. The same probably goes for their bikes!

    The most comfortable summer helmet I own is approved for the USA, but not here. Which means I cannot wear it. Because it is cool and therefore comfortable in summer, it makes me a better more alert rider.. therefore safer.

    Bring it on and then get the other states on board!

    1. There are loopholes all over this survey. You can fill it in several times with the one email address or other email addresses! I have three different addresses I can use. The more riders participate, the better.

      1. I guess it’s not a perfect world Mark. But at least they are looking at it. My other hobby horse is too many speed zone changes. Like Mt Glorious. If you compare it to the NSW side of the Lion’s Road. Once you cross the border it says unrestricted.. “Drive to conditions”. Surely Mt Glorious could be like that too. (Not withstanding the Mt Nebo Village area)

        Instead of all these speed zones, make it 90 or 100 and then say.. “Drive to conditions”. The crazy riders will ride at crazy speeds regardless of signage.

        1. Might be interesting to compare the Glorious crash statistics against those of “that other place” with a 100km/h limit through the twisties (a limit way higher than can actually be maintained through the corners).

  2. Its good to see the current forward momentum involving motorcycle groups and government departments, and it is a nice surprise that the momentum is building. One can only hope that once a few states bring in the “smarter” laws, the others will simply follow suit… as long as it is seen as positive.

  3. Living in the UK on the outskirts of London I commute every day into the city approx 20 miles each way on my motorbike, partially 3 lane carriageway partially two lane and then the usual city roads which by Australian and American standards I expect are very small. Most of by inward and outward journey involves filtering through traffic, London busses, lorries cars taxis, many foreign drivers with the steering on the wrong side 😉 ….

    Filtering does require a different mind set of you want to remain safe. Increased concentration, to develop a sixth sense, the ability to predict and avoid potential accident situations.

    When filtering I may use of every sign available, let me explain. This is how my ride goes, traffic all moving (less likely for sudden lane change by drivers – but remain alerts as they is always one) looking at the vehicle mirrors (reflection of driver and passenger), through rear windows, side windows, are they talking, using the mobile phone, do they have sat nav on dashboard are they leaning forward, right or left, are the wheels on their vehicle straight, is the vehicle wandering from side to side (could be trying to text, use phone or putting make up on – ( yes seen that on many occasions) is there a gap next to them that they could dart into.

    Now for me the greatest danger point is not so much when the traffic is moving at a reasonable pace, maybe 15mph or so, but when it starts to slow done to walking pace, it’s at that point when the driver who feels that are not making progress is likely to change lanes, even if there is no gap with no warning or just a blip of the indicator.

    There is no one single method to avoid collision it’s a combination of tasks actions, which include quality observation, experience and learning the way of the Jedi … That last one comes with time 😉

    Hope not put anyone off, I filter, but am cautious treating everyone else as though they are going to pull out on me.

    One other point, if you follow other riders who are filtering and you wish to filter faster ( not recommended) be respectful and allow the rider in front to find a safe gap to pull in and allow you to pass.

    1. All good advice and for those who have not filtered before, it is worth taking it easy to start with. Learn to read the behaviour of traffic. Also, go and practise slow riding maneuvres in a deserted shopping carpark! (Look at us talking as if lane-filtering is a forgone conclusion … let’s hope so!)

  4. Signed. Sealed. Delivered. Shared.

    Lets hope the QLD Government catches up with NSW. We used to be the “Smart State”, however with Mr. Newman now, it seems all is lost.

  5. Hi Mark… heard you on 4BC tonight…. the program host obviously had no idea on why this is out for public discussion. One would think they might be more across their subject before going to air!

  6. I would like to see all bike riders wearing bright Florescent clothing while on the roads ( Be seen clearly ) Black jackets are not noticeable and invisible to see on the road .. In NZ your insurance is much lower if you wear this bright clothing. I have even seen a bright light shone from a back of a bike onto the drivers back at night .. you can see him clearly lit up..

  7. Well it looks like we may soon be able to lane split or filter in Qld. “WHEN SAFE TO DO SO”. With the general care, attention and courtesy normally extended to other road users by motorists in Qld, – WHEN THE HELL IS THAT?!!!

Comments are closed.