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Ride away on classic motorcycles

If you are looking for some affordable, restored classics you can ride away, there are seven on the block at the upcoming Shannons Sydney Winter Auction on August 26 – most with ‘no reserve’.

If you are looking for some affordable, restored classics you can ride away, there are seven on the block at the upcoming Shannons Sydney Winter Auction on August 26 – most with ‘no reserve’.

The highlight for British motorcycle enthusiasts is a 1970 650cc Triumph Bonneville T120R (photo above), presented in restored condition and expected to sell in the $12,000-$16,000 range.

There are also two classic ‘intra-War’ BSA twin cylinder 500cc solos: ­a restored 1941 BSA WM20 and an unrestored, but complete 1946 M20. Each is expected to sell with ‘no reserve’ in the $7000-$10,000 range.

If you are looking for some affordable, restored classics you can ride away, there are seven on the block at the upcoming Shannons Sydney Winter Auction on August 26 – most with ‘no reserve’.
Unrestored 1946 BSA 

As an alternative for British classic motorcycle enthusiasts, there is a single-cylinder, 125cc 1948 Royal Enfield ‘Flying Flea’ motorcycle. Presented in useable condition and offered with ‘no reserve’, it is expected to sell in the $4000-$6000 range.

If you are looking for some affordable, restored classics you can ride away, there are seven on the block at the upcoming Shannons Sydney Winter Auction on August 26 – most with ‘no reserve’.
Royal Enfield Flying Flea

There are two great Japanese 1980s dirt bikes: a 1980 80cc Suzuki RM80T and a mighty 600cc 1983 Honda XL600R –  both fresh from similar ground-up restorations and neither being used since completion.

If you are looking for some affordable, restored classics you can ride away, there are seven on the block at the upcoming Shannons Sydney Winter Auction on August 26 – most with ‘no reserve’.
Honda XL600R

Each is offered with ‘no reserve’, with the Suzuki expected to sell for $2000-$3000 and the Honda for $3000-$6000.

Japanese collectors may be interested in an unrestored example of Yamahas first road model – the 650cc XS-1. 

This original classic is in good rideable condition and expected to sell with ‘no reserve’ in the $9000-$13,000 range.

To view all Shannons August 26 Sydney Winter Auction lots, visit