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Report animals loose on the road

Roadkill fauna crash statistics horses

Riders have been encouraged to report animals – livestock and even wildlife – that are roaming loose on the roads as they have the potential to cause a severe motorcycle crash.

Riders are advised to contact either the police, road authorities or the local council.

The call comes as recent rains have spurred roadside vegetation growth that attracts both livestock and wildlife.

Lack of reports

Learn2Ride owner and Mackay Road Accident Action Group member Brett Hoskin says many crashes with animals are not reported.

“In 2012, there were two motorcycle fatalities in the Mackay region,” he says.

Animals Brett Hoskin
Brett Hoskin

“We looked at the crash and injury data and discovered that numerous crashes were not reported.

“Livestock including deer was often jumping at rider head height.

“We discovered that the data we obtained from insurance claims provided a better picture of the regularity of crashes.”

According to Suncorp crash claims data, the kangaroo, wallaby and pademelon (yes, that’s right!) are the biggest enemy of riders accounting for 70% of all crashes with animals.Roo kangaroo roadkill animals

Cows, sheep and other livestock are involved in crashes in much smaller numbers.

However, Brett says we shouldn’t be complacent about loose livestock.

“It is impossible to stop all livestock from entering the road way,” he says.

“Watching stock wander into the table drain does not contain them.

roadkill animals
Animals are a constant danger on country roads

“The fact is that containment can never be 100%.

“Livestock on roads should be reported to the Police by dialing 000 and insisting that the stock is a road hazard that will result in a crash,” he says.

Brett suggests riders avoid riding at night and slowing down while riding on unfenced rural roads.

Report animalsKangaroo wildlife roadkill - animals

NSW Ambulance Inspector Rhys Dive agrees that motorists should report wildlife and stock on the road.

“Since August 1, 2017, paramedics have attended 38 collisions involving kangaroos, three for wombats and two for possums,” he says.

“With the amount of grass feed around, farmers are taking the opportunity to put their stock on to stock routes, so there is also cattle and sheep on the roads,” he says.

In NSW, if you find injured wildlife call WIRES on 1300 094 737 or NPWS on 131 555.

In Victoria and other states, you can call police, local councils or wildlife rescue services.

While the NSW Centre for Road Safety advises it is safer to hit an animal than swerve and potentially lose control, that is not true for motorcycles.

Riders should make every effort to avoid hitting an animal. Even hitting a small animal can be lethal to a motorcyclist.

Read our tips on how to avoid becoming roadkill.

Right of way

roadkill animals
Take care around livestock

All states require farmers to have adequate fencing and to place relevant warning signs on the road if they are moving stock across the road.

However, in Queensland, livestock has right of way on the road.

That makes it difficult to sue the owner in the event of a crash.

In other states, the farmer would be liable for damages and industry for what is referred to as “livestock trespass”.

  1. Mark, you have been stuck in the city too long. It’s time you did an outback tour. While you’re out there ask a police officer in a remote western Qld community what the correct procedure is for reporting sightings of kangaroos on the road. The reply is likely to be, “There’s a million bloody roos out here. Drive carefully but don’t waste our time reporting everyone you see.” It maybe different in the city, but in the bush if every motorist reported every animal they see there wouldn’t be enough police officers to answer the phone calls, let alone do something about it. On the other hand, crocodiles crossing the road (it happens up here) are worth reporting. So too are cassowaries. They are an endangered species and signs will be erected to warn motorists that one has been sighted in the area. We don’t want to lose these magnificent birds.

    Go on! Put some luggage and a couple of fuel bladders on the Scrambler and head out for some adventure. You know you’ve been working too hard and need the break.

  2. Yes and cassowaries will attack you also.
    Bur your comment re sueing I think is very self centered. It is after all your responsibility to take all necessary care on the road , ad animals have no road sense , and will occasionally get out of the best fenced paddocks , you after all use the roads at your own risk , and then the farmer has lost valuable livestock may be $1000-00 – $1200-00 for a cow , then you come along with your indignation because you haven’t been alert enough to avoid the animal . Ok then try sueing the national parks for the wildlife coming out of the scrub ,see how far you get, then may be you want to sue the farmer for the ‘roo which jumped his fence and on to the road.

  3. The notorious black spot to the left of an on coming car at night on regional roads is something you can’t avoid.

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