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Potholes causing more riders to crash

Bad Roads Rally roadworks potholes Victoria report
Crumbling Victorian roads

Riders are three times more likely to be involved in crashes caused by potholes and poor road surfaces than any other vehicle type.

A new British Automobile Association survey found that while potholes cause damage to cars, they are a greater injury threat to riders.

They say riders swerving to avoid potholes can also cause crashes.

It comes as a new Monash University’s Accident Research Centre report into motorcycle crashes suggests governments improve the quality of rural roads and evaluate roads for their specific motorcycle safety.

Potholes fixationRoad maintenance potholes

Some critics say that our fixation on the state of our roads and poor roadworks is over the top and riders should simply ride to the conditions.

However, the conditions are getting worse and councils and governments continue to duck for cover when riders crash and dare to seek compensation.

Gold Coast rider Robyn Love is still awaiting a reply to her claim for combination after crashing her Harley in unswept roadworks on the Lions Rd in June.

Lions Rd crash loose gravel repairs
Loose gravel on Lions Rd that caused a crash

There is no doubt that potholes are dangerous to riders.

A pothole can cause a big jolt in the front suspension, kick the handlebars about and possibly damage a rim. But at least the suspension is set up to absorb most of the impact.

However, bumps or a seam of humps in the middle of a lane caused by heavy vehicles pushing the tar up may be even more dangerous.

They can lift the front wheel off the ground, kick the bike left or right into the bush or oncoming traffic, or cause a tank slapper where the handlebars oscillate wildly.

Bumps are also harder to see and seem to be less likely to be fixed than potholes in yet another example of how the authorities ignore and neglect motorcycles.

  1. I can have some sympathy for understaffed local councils after heavy rain events trying to catch up..But the raised ridges are caused mostly by trucks and seem to become nearly a permanent feature One up on the sunshine coast hinterland was there for months the council was well aware putting up a hazard sign but the ridges can be really hard to spot. i ended up spraying a big white circle around it….shouldnt be neccessary

  2. Careful, they might take an action we neither expect or like. Say, reduce the speed limit to 60. Or reclassify a particular road as a track to reduce the maintenance obligations.
    I’m a little surprised a rider would make a claim like that about the lions Rd. That’s not a major highway and well known to have poor surfaces, particularly just after storm season.
    Many of us ride it because we like that poor surface.

  3. Painting around the humps in white paint would make it so much easier for motorcycle riders and car drivers, for that matter, to see and avoid. Surely there could be some money for spray cans of white paint as we know there is no money to fix up the roads these days. Its cheaper to put up lower speed signs and that justifies the lack of road repairs around the state. They send out people to check the roads every now and then. Why not equip them with a few cans of spray paint?

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