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PINK TRIUMPH Garage Built Bikes

No good story ever started with a glass of water and a salad… this story is no exception. What started off as a drunken conversation between a few of the National Chopper Club lads in NCC Ribble Valley’s Clubhouse one Friday night has now grown into a race team. The flights are booked, the container is waiting and after several months of work, we have re-built, re-designed and re-born the old Anthill Pink Triumph to run at Bonneville Salt flats in Utah for speed week in August 2015. Seat covered in Leather by Steve @ Hart Leather craft

Built In: England Bike Style: Drag Racers

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Pink Triumph Bike Specifications – Garage Built Bikes

Class Styling Drag Racers
Frame Custom One Off Frame
Gastank Sportster Peanut Gastank
Handlebars / Risers Clip Ons / Separates
Motor Brand Triumph
Motor Config Turbo, In-line 2
Paint Color(s) Pink, Blue
Paint Theme Race Number
Seat Solo Solidmount
Suspension Front Conventional – Standard
Suspension Rear Rigid / Hardtail
Wheels 6 Spoke, Cast Mags