Seven motorcyclists are dead and three more injured after a Dodge pick-up truck mowed down a pack of riders in New Hampshire, US, yesterday.
Associated Press reports the crash took place just metres from where the riders staying for their annual general meeting.
Police say the riders were from the Marine JarHeads Motorcycle Club that includes ex-United States Marines and their spouses. It was big weekend for cruisers in the area.
“There was debris everywhere,” Miranda Thompson, 21, told the Associated Press.
“People were in the grass. There were people putting tourniquets on people, trying to make sure they didn’t move. You could tell people were lost who it happened too … It was a sad day for all of them.”
The cause of the crash is not yet known, but the driver was not injured despite his pick-up bursting into flame after impact.
A gofundme account has been set up to help the families of the victims.
It has raised nearly $229,000 in one day. More than 4720 people from across the US have donated to the cause.