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Anti-bikie laws petition delivered

1002436_477150005707648_293555946_nThe anti-bikie laws petition of more than 10,000 signatures has been delivered to Deputy Opposition Leader Bill Byrne.
The petition was handed over outside Parliament house in George St this morning.
Bill promised he would table the petition in Parliament as soon as possible.
Radio, TV, AAP, web and newspaper journalists were on hand but it remains to be seen how much publicity it gets. (Interestingly the Murdoch media did not attend … maybe it doesn’t fit in with their LNP cheer-leading agenda!)
The Opposition Leader’s office was concerned that hair-trigger high-alert Parliament security might shut us down, so we agreed not to publicise the event for fear of a heap of bikes interrupting traffic, security stepping in and our petition not being presented.
Apologies to those who wanted to attend, but no doubt there will be other rides and rallies over the next few weeks for you to vent your concerns.
One is a national ride on Sunday December 1 to the Parliament House in your state. Not sure what good that will do as Parliament doesn’t sit on a Sunday, but any excuse for a ride is good enough, isn’t it?
Rebel FM is also organising an “In Laws” ride (as opposed to outlaws) where you bring an in-law as a pillion. No details yet, but stay tuned.
Meanwhile the campaign now has to change up a gear and possibly the next cog is a High Court challenge to the Vicious Lawless Association Disestablishment (VLAD) Act.
The Australian Motorcycle Council has pledged to start a fighting fund to help fund such a challenge which we believe may be launched by the United Motorcycle Clubs.
We also believe a “silk” may already have been briefed.
Such a challenge will not be cheap. The High Court challenge against similar laws in NSW cost a reported $380,000.
Meanwhile, you can continue to sign the petition, even though it is about to be tabled as every time you do an email is automatically sent to Premier Campbell Newman and Attorney General Jarrod Bleijie.
Even though it probably goes to their trash bin, it will at least make them aware of the level of ongoing resistance to their laws.
If you want to sign, please click here.
The online petition is approaching 10,000 signatures, but we also have several hundred more on paper petitions, some of which are still out at various motorcycle cafes around the region.