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Overland Expo West 2020 Will be Virtual

overland expo west 2020

It Happens on May 16, 2020

Lodestone Events, which puts on Overland Expo, has turned Overland Expo West into the first-ever virtual event. The event will take place on May 16th, and it will preview education, short films, roundtables, and an exhibitor show for the in-person event that will happen on July 24 to 26 in Flagstaff, Arizona.

You can think of the virtual event held this weekend as a tribute to the May event that was supposed to be held but can’t because of COVID-19.

“The overlanding community has been incredibly understanding and supportive of our decision to reschedule Overland Expo West due to the novel coronavirus pandemic,” said Lodestone Events Marketing and Communications VP Jessica Kirchner. “We wanted to bring the community together on Expo West’s traditional event weekend and create an environment where fans and sponsors can learn, interact and get inspired, even if we can’t all be together.”

Here’s a list of the things the virtual event will include, according to the press release:

  • Overland Education seminars on YouTube will feature a range of topics, including First Aid, Traveling With Your Pet, and Overlanding 101. 
  • Roundtable Discussions about overland travel in Mexico.
  • Live Backcountry Cooking and mixology demos.
  • Product Demonstrations of the latest gear and equipment hosted by Overland Expo West sponsors. 
  • D.I.Y. Showcase featuring hosted video walkarounds of overland-kitted rigs and motos.
  • Fans can participate in the Virtual Campgrounds Contest showcasing their own overland trucks, SUVs, vans, and motorcycles to be featured on
  • Show Specials & Discounts from event exhibitors and sponsors featured on the website.
  • Prize Giveaways donated by exhibitors and sponsors will be given away to virtual event participants.
  • Overland Film Festival Preview of short films that will be featured in the Yakima Overland Film Festival in the Winnebago theater at Overland Expo West in July.

If you attend the virtual event, then you will need to visit the event’s website. The event will take place from 9 am to 4 pm.