…I mean, can we at least auction them off or try to source the parts first…?
With Summer now in full tilt and riders countrywide enjoying the thrill of swinging a leg over, many states are buckling down on the law – and if the bike ain’t road legal, it ain’t going anywhere, apparently.
Take this recent demonstration in New York, for example.
According to Yahoo! News, New York’s new mayor approved and dropped the checkered flag on a bulldozing event for which over 900 confiscated, illegal machines were provided by the NYPD.
All 900 bikes and ATVs were crunched as the city’s office and police force sought to remind citizens of the import of abiding by the law, with the published video’s article stating that the seizure of illegal dirt bikes, ATVs, and motorcycles – which has has risen in New York this year – is “part of a public safety push by the mayor, who assumed office on January 1, 2022.”
“…[illegal motorcycles], dirt bikes and ATVs…they are not only a nuisance and an annoyance to us, but they are extremely dangerous – and we know that,” proffers a somber Eric Adams, (New York’s City Mayor).
“We see them all the time, we hear them all the time at night. We see the large numbers that are moving throughout our street, and we want to be clear that this is not acceptable.”
The push to take action follows undeniable statistics; apparently, over 2000 vehicles have been seized in 2022, making up ‘nearly over 80%’ increase in seizure compared to the number of bikes taken by the law in 2021.
The reason for choosing destruction over sourcing or selling?
“…because it keeps them off the street permanently.”

What do you think? What are your states’ requirements regarding seizure of non-road legal bikes, and what, do you think, would have been the ideal demonstration for New York’s issue?
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