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New riders can sign safety contract

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Potential riders can now sign a contract with concerned friends and family that confirms they will ride safely, seek training, wear all the safety gear, ride sober and try to avoid crashes.

The “Contract for Safety” is an initiative of the American Motorcycle Safety Foundation.

In some ways, it resembles the award-winning Australian road safety initiative Fatality Free Friday where motorists announce their intention to drive safely.

However, this contract is strictly for motorcyclists, recognising the particular vulnerability of the rider and their higher incidence of being involved in a crash.

First Aid for Motorcyclists course safety contract

The Contract for Safety was previously available only on the Apple iTunes Store to purchasers of MSF’s Rider Choices iBook, but can now be downloaded from MSF’s website here.

The contract is a discussion tool designed to help a prospective motorcycle riders have a serious conversation with concerned friends or family members.

“Avoiding crashes on a motorcycle requires not only being aware of the risks in traffic, but also managing those risks,” the MSF says.

“With the contract, the motorcyclist can review each of the key elements known to contribute to safety, initial each one in the presence of a friend or family member, and by signing the document and having the witness countersign it, affirm his or her intent to make wise choices when riding, with the overarching goal of reducing crashes.Learner rider - Calum demonstrates slow riding techniques safety contract

“The contract’s safety elements include getting trained, wearing a full set of safety gear on each ride, riding unimpaired, and keeping one’s motorcycle in excellent condition.”

The MSF describes motorcycling as “serious fun” and says it is not for everyone as some people lack the abilities or judgment required for safe riding.

The non-profit organisation promotes safety through rider training and education, operator licensing tests, and public information programs. Their training standards have been recognised worldwide since 1973.

For Americans interested in safety information or enrolling in a RiderCourse, visit their website or call (800) 446-9227.

  1. Stupid bloody americans .How about a contract for gun owners?
    along the lines of …. I will not go and slaughter innocent victims
    at my local school/family planning center ,fast food shop etc etc
    riding a motorcycle is probably the thing Least likely to cause harm
    to anyone else there is,Anyone who stuck anything like that under my nose
    would be told to f off real quick

  2. Anyone who wears a tank top shorts and thongs (flipfloppys) when they ride will think this contract is the best thing ever.
    The rest of us have other thoughts on the matter most of which would be censored if we wrote them here, but I will suggest that no one who doesn’t wish to be sued should complete one because it could be used against you in court if you didn’t religiously adhere to it and had an accident at fault or not.

  3. What stupid bureaucratic bull****.
    Anyone who would break the law without this useless paperwork, will still do it even with this paperwork. They don’t care about some made-up safety-plan. It’s not even a real contract. A contract requires a second party which agrees to provide something in return (e.g. if MSF were supplying free safety gear or lessons).

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