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Built by a shop called Neo Tokushima This year of the end of the race. . Tire, it was back sprocket. It is a little handle but are there plans outing. . Wide Robohan Favorite does it fit to the body but, of width nails, of height nails, a little aperture of Among fucking hot, sweat lazy cut by welding. I have been running Motto fogging before it rains. . Although now in position Comfortable. . Poku before to defeat demon? . . Softened different … Yes. . Redo … From around junior high school sophomore of two semester again … And cut the hair with me to different people like you did not become as shy little. .

Built In: Japan Bike Style: Chopper

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Neo Tokushima Pan Bike Specifications – Neo Tokushima

Class Styling Chopper
Featured Parts Kickstart
Frame Harley Davidson Frame
Gastank Sportster King Gastank
Handlebars / Risers Z Bars
Motor Brand Harley Davidson
Motor Config Panhead
Paint Color(s) Black
Seat Solo Solidmount
Suspension Front Conventional – Standard
Suspension Rear Rigid / Hardtail
Wheels Invader, 5 Spoke