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MotorMedics are our new first responders

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A volunteer band of riders has formed MotoMedics Queensland to act as first responders to motorcycle accidents while the injured wait for the ambulance to arrive.

They may be the last people you ever want to meet, but they will be at the Brisbane Bike Night tonight (Wednesday, October 5, 2016) at Harry’s Diner in Newmarket to answer your important questions.

MotoMedics will also unveil their new 2010 Yamaha FJR1300AF Rapid Response Vehicle which conducted preliminary tests at Mt Coot-tha and Mt Mee last weekend.

Former ambo Ryan Chase founded MotoMedics with Mitch Talbot and Jade McGuinness who have backgrounds in fire and rescue and paramedics. Together, they have a background in emergency services totalling more than 20 years.MotoMedics

Ryan believes there is a need for a first-responder service to fill in the waiting time between the crash and the arrival of the ambulance.

They will initially be stationed at the ready on weekends and public holidays on the popular riding roads around Mt Glorious and Mt Nebo, but hope to expand over time to other areas.

“Response times on the mountains for a Queensland Ambulance Asset can take time as they need to come from the Gap or Samford/Maleny,” he says.

“By placing ourselves already on the mountain we have the ability to proceed to an incident when QAS is responded but begin administering critical first-aid until an ambulance can get on scene.”

He says they may also attend crashes where they rider does not feel as though calling an ambulance is necessary because their injuries are minor.

“We can also attend these incidents and assist where it’s not advantageous to allocate QAS to non-life-threatening scenes,” he says.

“Of course this is a call the rider needs to make and we request 000 be called for any incident involving a bike and rider going down.”

MotoMedics Queensland is a non-profit, non-governmental organisation founded by the three avid riders and funded by donations at GoFundMe.

“Our original GoFundMe was for $500 to cover the cost of a critical care trauma bag and the contents required to fill it with gear,” Ryan says.

“We successfully raised $530 in just six days. Our second GoFundMe is sitting at $160 of a $2000 goal.”

You can still donate here.

Ryan says riders should always dial 000 first, then dial their Operational Duty Phone Contact on 0499544146.

They won’t break any speed limits and won’t be running lights or sirens, but when they arrive at the crash scene, they will activate emergency lighting for safety.

Rostered times and dates will be confirmed via their social media channels including Facebook and Twitter with constant updates on patrol days.

“We are aiming to continue the selfless, tireless and unremitting work of the late Dr John Hinds (Anaesthesiologist and Resuscitationist) who offered his incredible medical skills to the popular Ireland North West 200 and Isle Of Man TT,” Ryan says.

The three volunteers have all re-certified in Queensland with Advanced Senior First Aid and Advanced Resuscitation.

Business enquires via email.

  1. Fantastic work from these guys. I’ve jumped on the gofundme and donated a few $$ I could spare.

  2. Would rather an actual ambulance attend an accident than a bunch of blokes who want to play paramedics. Are they covered by insurance in case they make someones injury worse? Will their qualifications and proof of job history be made public?

  3. I definitely consider myself a cynic in most circumstances but I cannot believe “Skeptics” comment above and I must say I think a service like this is incredibly beneficial (and quite noble) and I will definitely look to support their GoFundme (as I ride Mt Mee a fair bit). Not sure if “skeptic” read the article but it didn’t seem to me they are seeking to replace the ambulance, just act as a first responder and offer basic assistance until the “professionals” arrive. Must be a pretty sad world you live in where you think people want to spend their available time waiting around just so they can “play paramedics” if the need arises. I would assume they have insurance, but that is more an indictment on the times, when people looking to do the right thing and act in a way as best they can could open themselves up to litigation. And what do you mean “qualifications” be made public. It says at the end of the article they have advanced senior first aid and advanced resuscitation. Are you keen to know if they are qualified accountants as well or something so they can do your taxes after offering assistance (only if you can get references first from their job history)? Or will you only accept first aid from a doctor of 25 years experience plus, if I am bleeding on the side of the road I don’t even care if you are a barista, if you could chuck something on the wound to stop me bleeding to death I would appreciate the help.

    Glad to know there are people like these guys out there looking to help

  4. Dear oh dear, some people are just so negative.
    But then again, if they had done even a Junior first aid class, they would understand a lot more.

    But hey, you can not help those whom do not wished to be helped. However I wish they would put a huge red or orange sticker on their lid and bike, telling any first responder, with anything less than a paramedic’s ticket, to politely F off.

    Why should people, like these blokes, myself included, with senior first aid and resus tickets, waste our time and effort with such belligerent twats, bleed out, burn to death, go into shock, and suffer the consequences, what ever! Got far more important things to do.
    FFS and good luck.

  5. Thank you for the support everyone. Skeptic, be sure to read over our mission statement on our website. We are not replacing or trying to replace QAS in any way, shape or form. We are an extra asset on the mountains. If people do not wish for us to perform any first aid on them, that’s up to them and we will respect that (if unconcious you fall under complied consent). We most certainly aren’t and do not want to “play paramedics”. The only thing in this for us, is the ability to apply skills we have learnt over our experience in the industry to help riders in their worst of times. Any questions or queries, please contact us at and we are more than happy to talk further.

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