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Motorcycles feature in hip hop hit

Hip hop

A chariot being pulled by four Royal Enfields a cruiser with a moose head and a brace of scooters to rival Quadrophenia feature in the latest single from Seattle hip hop duo Macklemore & Ryan Lewis.

The song is called Downtown and it’s not bad, either! (And that’s saying something ’cause we’re not hip hop fans!)

It begins with Macklemore (Ben Taggerty) reclining on a Vespa P 125 X scooter then moves to a scooter store where he buys a moped and goes wild in the streets, passing Harleys and a Ducati doing a wheelstand, then riding a Moose-cruiser!

Then it gets really interesting when Ryan arrives riding a chariot pulled by four Royal Enfields and followed by an army of scooters.

The lyrics are also pretty good, led by the line “have you ever felt the warm embrace of a leather seat between your legs?”.

There are some other great lines such as:

“Whitewalls on the wheels like mayonnaise

Dope, my crew is ill, and all we need is two good wheels

Got gas in the tank, cash in the bank

And a bad little mama with her ass in my face.

“I’m so low that my scrotum’s almost dragging up on the concrete

My seat is leather, alright, I’m lying, it’s pleather

But girl, we could still ride together.”

While we’d never heard of Macklemore & Ryan Lewis before, we will no doubt hear of them again.

The pair was nominated for seven honours at the 2014 Annual Grammy Awards, winning four, including Best New Artist, Best Rap Album (The Heist), Best Rap Song and Best Rap Performance (“Thrift Shop”).