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Competitors needed for motorcycle gymkhana

Touratech Adventure Challenge motorcycle gymkhana returns

Touratech Adventure Challenge motorcycle gymkhanaTouratech Australia has added an exciting Adventure Challenge motorcycle gymkhana to the annual Touratech Travel Event in Victoria in March 2016.

There are still plenty of places left for competitors in the Touratech Adventure Challenge on Saturday, March 19, which is open to all riders, with classes for single and multi-cylinder motorcycles.

Touratech Australia’s Robin Box says riders will compete in a range of skill-based challenges – both on and off the bike – as well as including some team components that will form part of the judging process.

“The event will be based on a similar format to those run by Touratech in Germany that have proven to be extremely popular over recent years,” he says.

It will be held in parkland in Bright in North East Victoria with qualifying in the morning and event finals in the afternoon.

He says the challenge is designed with spectators in mind and will be a key feature of the Touratech Travel Event, from March 18 to 20.

The travel event includes first-hand tips and stories from globe-trotting travellers, test rides of new models from various motorcycle manufacturers, an adventure ride, a first-aid presentation by a paramedic, maintenance and repairs workshops, travel presentations and rider demonstrations and rider training.

Expressions of interest for the 2016 Touratech Adventure Challenge are now being taken, with more information available by contacting their email.Touratech Adventure Challenge motorcycle gymkhana