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MotoBrite sign for roadside breakdowns

Motobrite hazard sign

Welsh invention MotoBrite increases the visibility of motorcycles broken down at the side of the road at night or in fog with its high-density LED hazard warning sign.

The hazard sign is hidden underneath the number plate and can quickly be deployed in an emergency situation.

It would be much more noticeable than motorcycle hazard lights, especially in foggy conditions. That’s probably why Welsh road safety innovation company, Road Safety Designs, thought of it first!

Over the past year, Road Safety Designs has established distribution networks in countries such as Australia, Dubai and Mexico.

It will now use these relationships to take its latest product to the international market.

However, company spokeswoman Claire Saralis says they currently only have the one big size to fit British motorcycle number plates.

“But if demand for different sizes was there, this is certainly something we would consider,” she says.

Obviously an Australian adaptation would have to be much smaller. We can’t see any reason why it would contravene any rules.

Visible MotoBrite signMotobrite hazard sign

MotoBrite is visible up to 300m away in daylight and at night.

Road Safety Designs boss and MotoBrite designer Steve Wornham started the company after he narrowly avoided hitting a stranded motorist changing a tyre on a poorly lit road.

“We have now made it our mission to prevent this, or worse from happening again,” he says. 

“There were a number of factors to consider during the design process, the main one being limitation of storage on a motorcycle.

“Designing something that would be a permanent fixture on the motorcycle seemed to be the best solution, and being battery powered meant that the MotoBrite would not depend on the motorcycle as its power source.”