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Moto Guzzi Twins Restoration: All Moto Guzzi V-Twins, 1965-2000 – wBW Book Review

Moto Guzzi Twins Restoration: All Moto Guzzi V-Twins, 1965-2000 - wBW Book Review

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by: Mick Walker
Paperback: 240 pages
Dimensions (in inches): 0.75 x 10.75 x 8.00
Publisher: Motorbooks International; (November 1999)
ASIN: 1855326795

wBW Moto Guzzi Book Reviews: Moto Guzzi – The Complete History from 1921  |  Moto Guzzi: The Racing Story  |  Moto Guzzi Story  |  Moto Guzzi Twins Restoration  |  Moto Guzzi V-Twins: The Complete Story  |  Moto Guzzi: Forza in Movimento  |  Moto Guzzi Big Twins  |  Guzziology  |  wBW Moto Guzzi Page

I’m not sure what it is about Moto Guzzis, but every one I’ve ever seen — well, maybe with the

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exception of some of the modern cruisers that is — gives me that special “twinge” in my stomach that I get whenever I see a motorcycle that I just have to own.

My wife thinks I’m nuts for purchasing several different Moto Guzzi history books without ever owning one, but I guess it’s a guy thing. Wait until she finds out I bought a book on restoring Moto Guzzis…

I’m a machinist and mechanic at heart, and I simply love looking at photos and drawings of mechanical things. Guzzi owners belong to one of the tightest-knit communities in all of motorcycling by necessity — let’s face it, you don’t find a Moto Guzzi dealer on every other street corner. So any source of information on maintenance and restoration is golden.

This book has lots of good photos, diagrams and narrative that cover the basics of suspension, electrics, engine, drivetrain and chassis. No, you probably won’t be able to completely rebuild a motorcycle using only this book as a source, but it was not designed for that purpose. It does claim to cover all Moto Guzzi twins from 1965 to 2000, so there’s lots of good information in here. The book covers the T-series, Le Mans and Lario Sportsters, Strada tourers, Nevada and California custom cruisers, and Quota enduro machines.

The appendices have complete model specification and information on shop tools, carburetor settings, torque settings and model identification. The only thing that is missing is an engine/frame number cross reference to models and year built.

If you’re restoring a Guzzi, you’ll probably want to have this book as a reference along with other shop manuals and a copy ofGuzziology.

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