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May is Motorcycle Awareness Month

Delaware’s DMV Riding Course Suits Up with Discounts

Female student with helmet taking motorcycle lessons and practicing ride. In background traffic cones and instructor with checklist rating and evaluating the ride. Motorcycle school of driving.

In a few short days, May’s tutti-frutti lineup of weddings, flowers, and rallies will be upon us. It’s the month that celebrates National Older Americans Month, our country’s move toward better ALS awareness, and – most pertinently – our community’s National Motorcycle Awareness Month

The highlight of the month, naturally, is safety; and with motorcycle industry statistics pointing to a wave of new riders, that warning comes with the advice to list up for a riding course (which, we’re told, come with a nice perk of discounts to lighten the wallet).

Female student with helmet taking motorcycle lessons and practicing ride. In background traffic cones and instructor with checklist rating and evaluating the ride. Motorcycle school of driving.


“Beginner course benefits include professional training, 10% off your motorcycle liability insurance, exemption from taking the DMV road test and graduates automatically get a license to ride,” reminds the report from News Delaware on options for enrolment with DMV Riding Courses. 

“Advanced course benefits include professional training and 15% off your motorcycle liability insurance.”

“Whether it’s your first time on a motorcycle or you’ve been riding for years, please enroll in one of our courses,” urges Director of the Delaware DMV, Jana Simpler. 

“The combination of classroom and road training will not only make you a better driver but will also help reduce the likelihood of a mishap.”

Female student with helmet taking motorcycle lessons and practicing ride. In background traffic cones and instructor with checklist rating and evaluating the ride. Motorcycle school of driving.

You can find a full list of riding courses on, with the following phone numbers had for extra questions and playing phone tag: 

Beginner Rider Program

New Castle County – 302-832-5163

Kent County – 302-744-2658

Sussex County – 302-853-1030

Experienced Rider Program

New Castle – 302-862-5163

Kent – 302-744-2658

Sussex – 302-853-1030

Female student with helmet taking motorcycle lessons and practicing ride. In background traffic cones and instructor with checklist rating and evaluating the ride. Motorcycle school of driving.

And finally, some parting words of wisdom:

“Even if you are not a motorcyclist, always look twice at intersections, don’t tailgate motorcycles, and eliminate distractions while driving.” 

For more stories like this, be sure to subscribe to our newsletter where our main man Cameron Martel curates the best of the latest and hand-delivers it to your inbox. 

Drop a comment below giving us your personal advice for the month, and as ever – stay safe on the twisties.

*Media sourced from Your Health Matters, Markel Insurance, and iStock*