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May Is Here and It’s Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month

Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month

Get On Your Bike and Stay Safe

Now that May is here and the cold frosty grip of winter has loosed or is in the process of doing so you’re probably ready to dig your bike out of the garage or shed. Good! That’s exactly what I want you to do. As you begin riding this season, keep in mind that May is Motorcycle Safety Awareness Month.

What does that mean? Well, its when you should reflect on and make a point of being a safe rider and focusing on developing all of the right habits. You should always practice motorcycle safety, but putting an emphasis on it in the month of May right as many riders begin their riding season is a good way to get everyone thinking correctly as they fire up that bike. 

Motorcycle safety is about several different things, including safe riding practices, wearing the proper gear, and motorist awareness. Getting people who drive cars to see you and keep motorcycles in mind can be tough and often out of your control. What’s in your control is wearing the right gear and practicing safe techniques and habits while riding.

I can’t force you to practice safe riding tactics, nor can I force you to wear gear. What I can do is point you towards all of the excellent gear reviews from myself and my colleagues here at Web Bike World. I can also share my knowledge and the knowledge of others on how to ride safe as well as any news that pops up that’s safety related. I hope you stay safe this year, make the most of May, and ride plenty.