Schuberth’s finally released their long-awaited E2 helmet to the motorcycle community proper – and considering we’ve been waiting for this baby for a good three years, we can’t wait to get the thing on and take ‘er for a spin.
If you haven’t heard about Schuberth before, you’re in luck; this brand is one of the better ones. Having devoted 90 years of development to safety lids worldwide since their founding in 1922, their commitment to the motorcycle industry’s hard heads come hard on the heels of helmets for police, fire brigades, Formula 1 sports, and more.
Imagine, then, a lid that took three years to redesign, from the same lab as all of that…and you’re starting to get where we’re at with eh excitement factor.
The newly-debuted Schuberth E2 flip-up adventure helmet comes absolutely stuffed with the latest the brand has to offer in technology, safety, aerodynamics and aeroacoustics performance.
If you like, think of this unit as a member of their ‘C’ series, but geared toward off-road shenanigans.
We start off with the impressive P/J double homologation (and new ECE 22.06 standard badge), then move on into the wind tunnel. Thanks to the clever team in Schuberth’s lab, the new E2 comes adjustable to three positions, with the further option of removing the bill entirely – and this is all as an aside to the memory function feature of the original unit, where you can move the thing wherever you like and it’ll stay once the chin bar closes.
Next comes breathability: For this, Schuberth chose to double the original air intake, with the top vent working to combat visor fogging, while the lower vent shows off a washable filter for those particularly messy bug splats.
The airflow improvements continue in the new top ventilation system, complete with larger spoiler and embedded air extractor.
As if this weren’t enough, those of us with particularly novel noggins can now benefit from the tweaked chin strap positioning ias well as the SCHUBERTH INDIVIDUAL PROGRAM; now, instead of waiting for that XL to come in and biting your nails over the fitment, Schuberth will do the honors by offering “more thickness options for sides, back and cheek” (via Schuberth’s website), guaranteeing your latest snug-as-a-bug-in-a-rug situ for M/L/XL.
For construction of the thing, Schuberth has stuck with their own fiberglass composition, produced through compression moulding for prime strength and minimal weight (if you’re wanting a heft comparison, we’re told by ADVPulse that the sizes ‘S’ and ‘L’ are 1644g and 1666g, respectively).
Next comes the big one: Now that the pre-installed C2 system is synced up to the unlimited options offered in Mesh 2.0, riders worldwide will be able to benefit from the crazy speeds at which our technology advances; to clarify, that means HD speakers, three antennas for FM Radio, Bluetooth Intercom and Mesh Intercom – all locked in the lid and ready to go with however many or few you’d like to keep the chatter going.

Of course, the whole shebang wouldn’t be complete without a good pricepoint. For 2022, Schuberth has given us the E2 at a base MSRP of 699 (solid colors), with the option to upgrade 100 to 799 for the decal options.
What do you think?

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