Get ready for your favorite Aussie lid maker to bring their iconic Forcite MK1S to American markets!
The date to mark your calendars is July 17… and Forcite literally built a button where you can put the date and time into Google Calendar.
Super handy – thanks, guys!
“Standby for launch news and content over the next week as we prepare to release 300 Forcite MK1S helmets onto American streets on July 17th at 6pm PDT,” lauds the lid brand in a recent newsletter.
“Now on to our second generation of smart helmet technology developed alongside thousands of riders, Forcite’s tried and tested technology is designed to enhance your motorcycling experience no matter what or how you ride.”
Currently, Forcite is the manufacturer of boht the MK1S and the MK1S NEXUS, the former of which has won “the Good Design Award Best in Class for product design in recognition for outstanding design and innovation” (via Forcite).
With a further $1.65 million research grant landed (via MCNews), the company’s debut of the world’s most advanced smart helmet will be aided by Tucker Powersports – and they’re pleased as punch to be doing the honors.

“We’re particularly proud of our relationship with Forcite and our exclusive agreement to deliver their helmet to our dealer network,” says Tucker CEO Mark McAllister in coverage from
“This helmet features groundbreaking technology in a package that works, no matter whether a rider is on pavement, dirt roads or the local track. I can’t wait to start seeing posts of some great track day videos.”