German luxury automotive brand Mercedes-Benz is looking to capitalize on the saturated markets that decorate our present-day Powersports industry – and to ensure absolute success, they’ve hired an industry expert.
Not just any industry expert, either.
KTM’s CEO, Stephan Pierer, has stepped up to the plate, offering his knowledge to Mercedez’s Supervisory Board in place of Sari Baldauf, who stepped down after a hearty 15 years in the chair (via a release from Mercedes-Benz).
The proposal for installing Pierer on the board was accepted as of May third, so it’s official: the birthplace of the Silver Arrow now has orange blood to carry her further into 2023 – and Bernd Pischetsrieder (Chairman of the Supervisory Board of Mercedes-Benz Group AG) is particularly pleased that Pierer’s ready to take the new season on.
“The Supervisory Board of Mercedes-Benz Group AG has a wide range of international expertise and experience… Stefan Pierer is a strong addition to the board, especially due to his in-depth industry know-how and his expertise in product and brand development,” explains Pischetsrieder.
“He is also a forward-thinking founder and entrepreneur who brings a deep understanding of how to successfully transform companies.”

With partnerships and merging ideas continuing to shape future markets of pretty machines, we look forward to seeing how Pierer contributes to Mercedes-Benz. Who knows – maybe we’ve got potential for a luxury bike collaboration in the works in celebration of these newly-woven brand bloodlines?
If it’s anything like the continuing collaboration between KTM and Brabus, then we’re in for a treat; until then, all the best, Mercedes-Benz!