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Indian Motorcycle Rally a visual delight

All Indian motorcycle rally
Lars on his Indian Scout

Old Indian Motorcycles are among the favourite for lovers of old motorcycles, which made the All-Indian Rally over the Easter 2015 weekend a visual delight for fans.


We can say this with some authority as this picture below of a 1928 Indian 101 from the Indian Motorcycle Museum of Australia in Brisbane is by far the most pinned of the thousands of photos on our MotorbikeWriter Pinterest page.

1928 Indian 101 from the the Indian Motorcycle Museum of Australia in Brisbane
1928 Indian 101 from the the Indian Motorcycle Museum of Australia in Brisbane

The annual All-Indian Rally is a closed event, except for Sunday morning’s public bike display at the Samford Showgrounds.

Organiser Kars Glerup says they had a good roll-up of onlookers for their Sunday morning display, although the field events were called off because of overnight rain waterlogging the grounds.All Indian motorcycle rally

He says about 30 members attended the 24th annual rally which is organised and run by the Historical Motorcycle Club of Queensland, Indian Marque Register.

Lars owns a 1934 Standard Scout he bought in 2006 and he also owned an old army Scout.

“l’ve been interested in Indians for many years, but I’m not sure what attracts me,” he says.

“Maybe it’s the technology in them which, for their time, was way ahead of other motorcycles.”

All Indian motorcycle rally
Lars on his Indian Scout

The Indian display was held at the Samford Showgrounds, just 8km west of Samford, and riders in the region will have seen the old Indians on the roads, some sitting by the side of the road receiving running repairs!

If you have an old Indian and would like to be a part of the group’s activities, you contact the Indian sub-committee via email.All Indian motorcycle rally