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Harley-Davidson Has A New Video Detailing Pan Americas Rolling Off Production Line

H-D Pan america production line

The Pan American Dream Nears Completion

After 120 years of V-twin cruiser excellence, Harley-Davidson has finally changed the course of their ship and stepped into the unknown with the introduction of their new 2021 Pan America ADV motorcycle. Although H-D has made a few non-cruiser projects (namely the Livewire) in recent years, it’s even a bigger pivot in a new direction with this Pan America.

This video that H-D has released to their official Youtube channel aims at humanizing the production process and adding an element of “being a family” at the factory in addition to the success stories from some of the manufacturing team members through the building process of the first Pan Americas to roll off of the line.

H-D has always had a tight family atmosphere at its production plants thanks to its rich history. From what this video is presenting, it seems like the perfect breeding ground for a new motorcycle to emerge from. Happy workers make great products, and Harley-Davidson has over 100+ years of production chops under its belt.

This isn’t just a peek into the factory though, it’s a celebration of the first Pan America finishing its official production process. That’s a big step when taking into account that this motorcycle started as simple drawings/ideas not long ago. The team at H-D took this idea and turned it into a complete dream with a real motorcycle to show for it. Jochen Zeitz, CEO at H-D, was even present at the event to celebrate with the hard-working individuals that brought this dream to reality.

It shouldn’t be long before we get an actual unit into the WBW team’s hands to test.

  1. While I am not a fan of the typical Harley cruiser, this model has caught my attention, the spec sheet is very impressive. I applaud Harley for trying something new and really hope this model does well.

  2. Hey guys: You spelled “Harley” incorrectly in your headline; you spelled it “Harkey.”
    You might want to correct that.

  3. Very proud of all you have done for us the riders of this country and the world letting them know the best it was rhe best it is the best it will be whooo

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