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Female riders celebrate decade of awareness

Women female
Kathy, Mrs MBW and Gryphi on tour

Women around the world will celebrate a decade of female rider awareness on Saturday (May 7, 2016) in the 10th annual International Female Ride Day (IFRD).

The world’s largest women’s ride event was created by Vicki Gray, a Canadian motorcycle racer and founder of women’s online motorcycle magazine Motoress. She started the IFRD 10 years ago to bring women together and inspire others into motorcycling.

Their motto over the past decade as been “Just Ride”, no matter what type, size or style of motorcycle.

The event follows the Dubbo Babe Raid last month which set two new world records for the most women at a motorcycle event and the most in a parade.

IFRD Brisbane spokeswoman Sue Corrigan says each rider who takes part in the annual IFRD is a role model for women in motorcycling.International Female Ride Day IFRD celebrates a decade

“This day each year grows and expands, country by country, rider by rider, enthusiastically participated and supported on this one synchronised celebrated day just for female riders worldwide,” she says.

Rides are being organised throughout the world, including the first IFRD event in the Caribbean.

To find the closest IFRD event to you, check out their many Facebook sites or go to the international website.

Riders can also enter their photos from the day in an international photo contest through the global Facebook page and win a Rev’It women’s jacket.International Female Ride Day IFRD celebrates a decade

You will also find commemorative IFRD decade t-shirts and pendants available for sale.

IFDR Facebook

IFDR Global

IFDR website