What is an EPIC motorcycle helmet design? I’m glad you asked. Epic is defined as….
Extending beyond the usual or ordinary especially in size or scope. –
Beyond the usual…. that is the part that I like most. As bikers, we have an unusual desire for freedom, living life by our own terms and for enjoying everything that this life has to offer. And to express that desire creatively.
So it’s only fitting that the definition of EPIC starts with “beyond the usual.”
Epic Motorcycle Designs for 2017
This airbrushed skull helmet with a black bandana is on a Simpson Bandit Helmet. The black bandana is not attributed to any particular “membership” of any motorcycle gangs like red or blue is (if your are still living in the 1990’s that is) making it a bit more popular than those colors. Painted by Rekairbrush; He has a nicely done pink version too.
Walterriffic popularized the Fighter Pilot Helmet style with his adaptation of the Venator Mark I.
Check out all the steps of how to put together one for yourself, and add in a bit of your own creativity to the mix.
The MotoSparta Helmet by Nitrinos has a mohawk that you can’t not marvel at. King Leonidas himself would be a bit jealous of that thing.
This pink motorcycle helmet with Cat Ears added are even aerodynamically friendly. Unlike the front facing cat ears, these are facing off to the sides.
In Russia (where this is from) it’s called a Neko Helmet. Photo = @aleksia_217
New this year is the Boba Fett Motorcycle Helmet Design by HJC. The extreme attention to detail taken from this epic star wars character and transformed into a badass motorcycle helmet lands this into the Epic Motorcycle Helmet Designs Category.
The Cheshire Cat from Alice in Wonderland with its distinctively mischievous grin is nothing short of iconic. Nitrinos captured the colors and look on this Cat Ear Helmet with perfection.
Speaking of childhood icons, the blue ninja turtle “Leonardo” also transforms into an Epic Helmet Design. Nice job Rek, nice job indeed.
Gixxer561 put his own unique spin on the Walteriffic Venator Mark I helmet from above, and he shall be applauded for it. Go ahead and proceed with applauding…. I’ll wait.
The Icon Airmada Chantilly Helmet is a design that I personally love, and a lot of other riders I know do too. You’ll have the urge to want to color in the black and white version,…. you will 🙂
Bell and 360fly teamed up and put an action camera on the top of a motorcycle helmet. Unlike just mounting a Gopro, this is aerodynamically friendly for high speed racing. The 360fly, like it’s name, is like a fly-on-the-wall camera. It can be adjusted to view any angle, hence the 360. I thought it looked a bit like the head of BB8 floating around on that ball that rolls around, so I made my own mockup. I know,…. very clever 🙂
The new Venom Helmet Design by HJC is also making a big splash. This RHPA 11 helmet is noticeably lighter than the previous version, and the design is on point.
Who doesn’t love a good pink smiley? I do, I do.
Another fan favorite by Rekairbrush, this Red Bandana Skull Helmet is one-of-a-kind.
Blazeartworks put mixed it up with this steampunk/madmax skull helmet design and did a fantastic job customizing the Bandit right into the epic helmet category.
“High Heels on Two Wheels”
Jamie Lee put together this amazing crystal and rhinestone helmet. You really have to see this one up close, it’s a real work of art.
@Funkysexycouture put together this unique crazy helmet design for artbasel2016. Photo by @mycollective.
This pink glowing butterfly helmet design with the Lightmode Kit won the award for the “most intricate helmet design” by Mr.Lightmode.
The “Skellmet” is another work of custom helmet art. This is not your ordinary Skull Helmet design.
The Moto Pilot V.1 This was updated after the internet went crazy, but I still like Version 1. Here’s how he made it.
The LED helmet beats to the music and lights up the night something like I have never seen before, and on a new level all on its own. Check out the video here.
That wraps up this installment of 20 Epic Motorcycle Helmet Designs. Have one that you want on the next roundup? Send it over.