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Electric motorcycle sales to hit 55m

PCX electric futuristic benefits - hydrogen hit TVS
Honda PCX petrol-electric scooter

Electric motorcycle and scooter sales will hit 55 million worldwide by 2024, according to London technology consultancy Navigant.

That represents a 60% increase in electric two-wheeler sales from last year’s total of 34.4m which is about a quarter of total global motorcycle and scooter sales of 132.4m.

However, 32.8m or 95% of those electric bike sales were in Asia and were cheap, low-powered scooters and mopeds.

Europe, which has a host of financial incentives for the sale and use of electric bikes, accounted for only 1.4m (4%), while in the USA it was 150,000 (0.4%).

Sales insignificant

Sales of full-size electric motorcycles capable of riding on the highway are still insignificant.

In fact, electric motorcycle sales in Australia are so minor Xero Motorcycles pulled out this year, citing unfavourable exchange rates and taxes.

2017 Zero motorcycles have increased range 360km hit
2017 Zero motorcycles

We suspect the problem is more about lack of range and slow charging times in a country of vast travelling distances, rather than exchange rates and taxes. Although some government incentives and tax breaks would surely help.

Meanwhile, Navigant predicts electric motorcycles and scooters will far outstrip sales of electric cars up to 2024.

They say battery technology is the key.

It comes as Italian electric bike manufacturer Energica was recently named as the supplier of the electric MotoGP category for the start of racing in 2019.

Energica Ego45 electric hit
Energica Ego45 electric
  • What would make you buy an electric motorcycle or scooter? Leave your comments below.

  1. Reliability, we have perfected the transportation and utilization of fuel to be the most reliable source of energy, if electricity would be as cost efficient and reliable I would most definitely buy an elect ic motorcycle.

  2. Faster charging, charging infrastructure, or much longer range. As you allude in your article, the issue here is recharging the battery if you need to do longer distances. Few of us can justify the cost of an electric bike for commuting or town use alone, especially if the bike is as capable in termos of dynamics as current petrol machines.

  3. I think electric motorcycle sales will go much higher than 55m. There is a lot going on in the industry at the moment.
    Companies are heavily investing on the electric versions.

  4. not quite there yet, cut the price 50% and increase the battery range by 100% and i’m in.
    I do love the ride of an electric, test rode a Zero, just can’t justify with the current cost and limitations and lust for so many other worthy petro powered bikes.

  5. Riding an ZERO FXS model for more than 1 year around Paris, France, I confirm this technology is the future of motorbikes, mainly when prices will go down to their gas engine equivalents.
    Very light weight (133Kg !), Travel and cost maintenance astonishingly low, enormous torque which is surprising other bikersat the traffic light, great fun riding fast in silence and without vibration …
    120km range when I am riding in cities, 70km when riding it as fast as possible …
    This limitation is totally compatible with everyday use, commuting in big city suburbs.
    Bike is charged every night in my private garage, 100% operationel every morning.

  6. Electric scooters will be e the biggest selling two-wheel transport, Electric motorbikes will die.
    Albert Einstein

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