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Ducati: The Official Racing History

Ducati: The Official Racing History

Ducati: The Official Racing History Review Summary
Review Summary



by: Marco Mesetti, Eugenio Martera, Marco Montemaggi, Patrizia Pietrogrande
Hardcover: 287 pages ; Dimensions (in inches): 1.22 x 11.44 x 9.89
Publisher: Virgin Publishing; (March 2000)
ISBN: 1852278935

More:  wBW Ducati Page  |  Motorcycle Racing  |  Vintage, Classic, Antique Motorcycles Page

For new generations of Ducatisti to understand the legacy of this legendary motorcycle marque, the company erected a museum at the heart of their manufacturing facilities in just a few months’ time.

This marvelous collection is a tribute not only to that museum, but also to the company and the motorcycles. Double-page, color spreads feature Ducati’s most important road and track bikes of the company’s 50-year history.

Also featured are color shots of manufacturing facilities and the museum itself, and archival images in both color and black-and-white depicting Ducati’s race heritage, period advertising, engineers’ drawings, and the designers and riders who have come to be inextricably associated with Ducati’s brilliance.

wBW Rating:  Not yet rated

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