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When will drivers learn lane filtering is legal?

When will drivers learn lane filtering is legal? assist stalled
Watch as this driver tries to hit this filtering rider!

Just when will drivers learn that lane filtering is now legal?

This latest video of a driver trying to hit a legally lane filtering motorcyclist with his car comes from the ACT where filtering became a permanent law just last month.

Lane filtering is now legal in all states and territories (except NT and WA which is expected to follow shortly)?

In fact, it’s been legal in NSW more than four years.

So there is no excuse for this driver’s behaviour in the ACT which is inside the state of NSW!

ACT police would now like to speak to anyone who witnessed this incident on Majura Parkway on Wednesday (October 31).

“ACT Policing were made aware of this incident yesterday and an investigation has commenced,” they said.

Not only is lane filtering legal but it also benefits all motorists as it helps move heavy traffic more quickly.

What does it take for drivers to understand this?

You can do your bit to educate drivers by sharing this article you are reading now as well as this “Open letter to drivers“.

Perth incident

Meanwhile, here is another road rage incident from Perth on Sunday. Note that lane-filtering is not legal yet in WA, although it is debatable whether the rider is filtering.

The driver tries to hit the rider when the lights turn green. Then the rider slows and gesticulates to the driver who then performs a dangerous sideswipe across the diving lane marker.

Go right to the end of the video for the hilarious moment the driver gets out at the lights to have a go at the rider, but forgets to engage his handbrake!

We have contacted WA Police to make them aware of the video and find out whether they will investigate and charge the driver.

A Police Media Liaison Officer says they have received a report and are investigating.

“As this is an ongoing investigation, there is no other information I can provide at this time,” he says.

Stay tuned as we will follow-up on this.

Drivers trying to obstruct riders has been happening ever since lane filtering was introduced.

Check out this video from last year sent to us by Newcastle rider Harry Criticos.

“I was filtering legally when a driver stuck his whole body out in an attempt to block me,” the 2016 Triple Black R 1200 GS rider told us.

“I did not stop and he did make contact with the bike. I hope it hurt.”

It might be worth telling your driver mates that this particular motorist not only got hit, but also copped a $325 fine and three demerit points.

Lane filtering is legal 

Surely it is time for some major advertising campaigns in each state to advise motorists that riders are allowed to filter and what benefits there are for ALL motorists.

That was the major finding of an online poll we conducted in 2016, yet there are still no major ad campaigns.

So far, lane filtering education campaigns have been minimal and mainly aimed at riders, not the general motoring public.

We not only need major ad campaigns, but also roadside signage such as this photoshopped sign.

lane filtering signs consensus duty defend filter
Here’s a sign we’d like to see!

We are not aware of any polls about lane filtering in Australia.

However, in California where lane splitting (filtering at higher speeds than 30km/h) is legal, polls have found it is vastly unpopular among other road users. The main objection is that it’s unfair!

That breeds hostility which results in stupid behaviour such as in the above video.

Lane filtering lane splitting America danger bosch filter
Lane splitting is unpopular in the USA

So long as lane filtering remains unpopular and/or erroneously believed to be illegal, motorists will do stupid and dangerous things to stop riders filtering.

Police ‘not interested’

Not only are authorities not interested in educating the motoring public about lane filtering, but police don’t seem to help, either.

Harry says police were initially not interested in following up on his complaint about this driver.Lane filter Incident

After we published the video, Harry went back to the police to find out why they did not charge this driver.

Eventually the driver was charged.
  1. I find it extremely frustrating that motorcycle lane filtering doesn’t even rate a mention in Vicroads “The Road to Solo Driving” handbook…
    It’s gone through a number of revisions since lane filtering became legal yet Vicroads still haven’t seen fit to educate learners.

  2. No one likes being stuck in traffic however why can’t drivers accept that they have luxuries that motorcyclists don’t. They have shelter, a/c, radios and too many mobile phones. They can drink, eat, smoke and chat to their passengers. Why do they become so jealous and angry when a motorbike cruises (squeezes) between them in traffic? Would they try to hit pedestrians if they filtered between slow or stationary cars or a cyclist pushing his bicycle across the road? I certainly hope the idiot driver of the Ford NSW rego AT 57 TX receives a massive fine for (minimum) attempted dangerous behaviour. Please keep us informed if you receive any feedback from the ACT police.

  3. I don’t understand why car drivers (me on occasions as well) don’t accept the lane splitting at traffic lights especially at peak hour. Sitting behind a motorbike during peak hour traffic is harder as you have to be mindful of the rider lifting feet, putting them back down, stalling bike..not driving too close etc. It is much easier for a driver for a rider to slowly move between lanes and also, one less vehicle in front of you in bumper to bumper traffic.

  4. Terribly sad that we have this situation in Australia. We have been riding in Europe for the past 4 months where it is a part of life and everyone gets on together. Scooter traffic is huge in most Euro countries and traffic would be far worse without them on the road. IMHO the reason motorists accept that scooters and bikes will squeeze in and around them in traffic is that their sons/daughters/mothers/fathers/grandparents all ride. Motorcyclists/Scooteristi are not seen as some form of alien menace.

  5. Drivers deliberately attempting to hit other road users with a tonne plus of metal should be charged with attempted murder. These acts are clearly violent ones, not bloody traffic offenses!

  6. In Western Australia it was always permissible to filter through traffic as long as you indicated your intention, kept in the same lane as the car on your left, the cars were stationary and you didn’t straddle the solid white line as you approached the lights. I have been doing this for over 20 years past police cars and motorbikes. When rules changed a few years ago you were permitted to pass stationary cars on their left permitting you to move between the cars on the broken lines. This made filtering even easier.
    Police could always use their “judgement” and invoke reckless riding if they deemed your filtering too aggressive or whilst cars were moving. Fortunately the cops are pretty fair over here.
    Now, however, they have formalised the rule in line with most Australia allowing filtering at speeds up to 30km/h. This is plenty fast enough for me. See link.

  7. Mark Hinchliffe,
    I dont know what sort of reporter you are, but you obviously go for sensationalism and fail to research the facts.

    When you make a statement that lane filtering isnt legal in WA, you make yourself look like an ass.

    Lane filtering has been legal in WA since June 2018. You can lane filter at speeds less than 30km/h, providing the traffic is moving in the same direction.

    Lane splitting is illegal at anytime in WA.

    I would suggest if you want to become a true repirter that you do some research before you publish your work

    1. Hi David,
      No, there is no reference to lane filtering in any road rules in WA.
      The WA Government recently commissioned a survey on how t change the rules and include lane filtering:
      Motorcycle Riders Association of WA safety officer Dave Wright says they are still awaiting legalisation and standardisation with the rest of Australia.
      You may be confused by the leniency WA police show to riders who already sensibly filter.

      1. Hi Mark
        I am wondering if this lane filtering rule for WA has now been implemented ?
        I am quite new to riding and would really like to be able to do this legally.

        1. Hi Sharon,
          No, it still hasn’t been formalised.
          However, you can lane filter with caution and the police shouldn’t bother you as there s no law against it.

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