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Crashed rider calls for lane filter training

Crashed rider calls for lane filter training

A rider who was rear-ended believes he would have been able to avoid it if he had been taught to lane filter and has called for the skill to be included in learner and advanced rider-training courses.

Shannon, 37, of Caboolture, Queensland, says he was rear-ended because he lacked the training and therefore confidence to lane filter.

See his video below which shows front and back perspectives. (Fast forward to 4:30 minutes for the crash.)

“If I had been confident at lane filtering, I would have zipped out of the lane as soon as the traffic slowed down and the woman that ploughed into me would have hit another car instead,” he says.

“I had no idea what was coming from behind, but if I was regularly lane filtering and had that confidence to just switch out before the traffic stopped completely in front of me, it would have been much better for all involved.

“Lane filtering should be a taught and confidence built during the L period.”

Learner and provisional riders are not allowed to lane filter.

They are left to their own devices to somehow develop the skill during their provisional period without being allowed to filter or access specific training.

“Perhaps something else that can be taught, is if you’re on a highway and it’s coming to a stop, don’t just get to the side of the lane, straddle the line; even if you don’t intend to filter as it takes you out of the line of fire,” Shannon says.
Crashed rider calls for lane filter trainingCrashed rider calls for lane filter training
Shannon and his scooter before the crash

Shannon says he was wearing all the gear in thew above photo at the time of the accident.

“I was extremely lucky and came off with only bruises, a small fracture in my ankle and some over-extended back and neck muscles.,” he says.

Shannon says a truckie and two motorcyclists helped him off the road after the crash.

Lane filter training

“Lane filtering should be a required part of the learn training instead of the message that after three months of riding with a supervisor, and you’re off your Ls/Ps, you get to lane filter.”

Shannon also says motorcycle rider training schools should offer lane filtering as a course.

We  could not find any schools that offer such a course, but we have heard of at least one that had offered it, but could not get any takers.

“Sadly, I don’t think anyone would show much interest (in a lane-filtering course),” Shannon says.

“Many people are way too cocky or money shy. It’s something that would probably have to be mandatory.”

New rider

Shannon says he has only got his full licence a few months ago to ride with his fiance while on holiday in Taiwan.

Crashed rider calls for lane filter training
Shannon’s Honda Forza scooter

“Everyone there rides or has ridden,” he says.

“As chaotic as it is, it’s pretty safe because almost everyone who’s got a car started on a bike.

“You see car drivers over there actively looking out for riders.”

  1. There are plenty of bike courses out there designed to improve your skills and ride defensively.
    Positioning, use of mirrors, ‘life-saver’, check. Being ahead of the bike & anticipate danger by looking for escape routes.
    Your initial licence is just the start of it, a licence to continue to learn.
    Books, magazines, YouTube clips all have advice , guidance and tips for survival. Vacant or unused car parks are good places to hone your basic handling skills. Practice, practice, practice.

    Just on your full licence, with little to no previous experience. Don’t ride in Thailand, you’d be an accident waiting to happen.

    Traffic handbook & online education relating to filtering does recommendexperienced riders only.

    Be aware of other road users and be responsible for yourself.

    Just saying. 40 years riding, dirt, road, emergency services & still regularly doing courses.

  2. There are a number of things that indicate that this rider is as he has admitted a noob.
    Even if you’re not going to filter you need to be aware of what is around you and all ways plan an escape route and that is something that is taught in even the mandatory training schools just to get a permit.
    From the video you can tell the driver who hit him is a crap driver and should be re-educated or removed from the road, unable to keep a constant safe distance often closing to within a car length at highway speed it is clear the driver was either trying to get the rider to move out of their way or they just weren’t paying attention.
    Even in my car I’m on the lookout for such crap drivers and I avoid them like the plague .
    When you get someone like that behind you you either get well ahead of them with a few other vehicles between you or you move out of their way and let them go on to spoil someone else’s day.
    Not being taught to filter had little to do with this accident, being oblivious and driving the bike was the problem. Bikes and scooters are not cars if you drive them you’re in for a world of hurt.
    And the biggest bone I have to pick with this bloke is you never just zip out and filter down the lane.! There is a video in another story of an idiot who just zipped out and Tboned another rider. I have collected at least six idiots on scooters who zipped out to filter not looking to see if something is already there.

  3. Think Shannon should develop some accident avoidance skills first of all. Myself , in such a situation would be checking my mirrors for any traffic coming from behind as I approached the traffic line up in front and also looking and positioning myself for an escape route.

    1. Accident avoidance is the responsibility of the person behind, in other words he was doing all he could do to not have an accident in front of him.
      Everyone should also take note that the cameras where watching front and rear not Shannon & we are lucky to have the benefit of that vision.
      He would likely not have seen this guy coming since he was slowing down and looking after his in front situation.
      This is a perfect example of why lane filtering was introduced and why every rider should be allowed to do it.
      Why leave, potentially the most vulnerable riders in harms way?

  4. Simply NO! As a rider, I’m a massive fan of lane filtering and using it to safely negotiate dense traffic. In this circumstance however it’s not the cure-all. The notion of straddling the lanes upon stopping is similarly ludicrous, causing more issues than it would solve.
    It’s apparent by this rider’s determination to ride only in the right hand lane that he has little to no intention of using the road to his own advantage. A more aggressive rider may be (less illegally) using lane changes to manoeuvre through the traffic before it slows. A more conservative rider would be slowing to ride along with the traffic in an inside lane and would then need to watch for larger and merging traffic instead. Being a sheep with your brain turned off is not a safe way to ride no matter who you are, but it’s obvious that is what’s happened here. More relevant to the circumstances around the collision however; what is taught to everyone as learner riders and drivers nowadays (at least that I’m aware of), is SCANNING. When slowing, whether in traffic or not, be aware of your surroundings, and check your damned mirrors. Such as it is, the traffic around this rider is still in the process of coming to rest as the incident occurs, with the greater issues in my opinion being general awareness and safe following distance.
    Lane filtering at highway speeds, at which the rider seems to have been previously travelling, is illegal and dangerous anyway. Perhaps as the traffic slowed the rider could’ve begun to filter, but to avoid this incident, would likely still have had to do so at illegally high speed. If checking mirrors and surroundings as he braked, the rider could perhaps instead have noted the fast approaching vehicle and escaped into the space between vehicles in front of him. Escaping between vehicles would in turn be more easily achieved if not sitting in the middle of the lane and directly behind the next car.
    Ultimately, the fault for this collision, lies absolutely with the following driver. Simply training this rider in lane filtering would not necessarily have changed the outcome and to claim it would, in my opinion, is ridiculous. Instead, we as riders and general road users should be encouraging clever riding and greater training in defensive riding strategies. That is not to say we teach people to ride slowly, as this in turn propagates the fallacy that slow is safe. Rather, riders of all types and all experience levels should be reminded to position themselves intelligently on the road, be acutely aware of their surroundings, use situations to their advantage, take nothing for granted, and ride smart.
    Engaging the grey matter is what may have helped this rider, not some lane filtering lessons.

  5. Why should he have extra training to save himself from arseholes that aren’t paying attn?
    Of course, he can do extra training so he can do it safely.
    Driver probably still said SMIDSY even though he was following him forever.
    Problem I see with straddling the line is impatient drivers will move forward up beside you and you will be left with nowhere to go.
    Let all riders filter and run an advertising campaign to inform the rest of the population know it is now legal and they have no right to interfere or hinder legally filtering riders.
    (point is, it is legal & not all the population know it)

  6. As some others have already pointed out, yes the driver who rear ended old mate was definitely at fault, but also lane filtering is not a one-size-fits-all safety net. You can easily learn to do it by actually doing it on the road; start with wider roads and less dense traffic to build confidence, then gradually do it more often and in different conditions.
    Road positioning and owning your piece of road is the biggest takeaway; and situational awareness can’t be emphasised enough. As soon as I start slowing down I’m checking my mirrors for the traffic behind me to make sure they’re also slowing, and then I’m looking forward for my options to escape if the need arises. I ride a Tiger 1200 (a.k.a. A big mf bike) and I can still find plenty of places to get the thing into if I need a way out.
    Rather than make it mandatory to learn how to filter, just find someone with experience and tag along, watch them and debrief on what their thought process is.
    Lastly, having ridden bikes in SE Asia loads, old mate better go easy in Thailand if he can’t pick up on traffic behind him in Australia…

  7. Am I missing something here, at no time did the bike rider follow the keep left, unless overtaking rule on duel carriageways, and when exactly was he lane filtering. All I saw was a car driver that didn’t stop in time and hit him up the arse. Am I mistaken or what.

  8. Firstly, filtering has absolutely nothing to do with this accident. The following car is 100% at fault – undue care and attention and following too closley.

    Did you gently pulse / tap your rear brake a few times before starting to slow down like you were trained to? The flashing red brake light attracts the attention of other road users and informs them that you are slowing down better than just braking.

    Motorcycles are much smaller than other vehicles on the road and therefore harder to judge speed and distance changes. For this reason riders should always use their brakes whilst slowing down in traffic, even when engine braking is sufficient.

    If you wish to keep riding on the road you should complete defensive and advanced rider training and always scan and put yourself in the safest position on the road at all times. I know this will create some debate, I would also get a real motorcycle.

  9. Nope I’ve since stop lane filtering as drivers still drive through red lights ,sorry ,very dangerous
    I’m the meat in the road ,just leave a car before you buddy

  10. Mark or Shannon,can you please tell me what camera system was used(looking to buy).
    And i just have to say this to all the posters who are kicking this guy when he is already down- blowing out someone elses flame doesn’t make yours burn brighter. Hope you feel better soon Shannon,sometimes carseholes (not a typo) just can’t be avoided.

  11. Mate you could have been wearing a bright fluro jacket & strobe lights attached, the driver would not have seen you “SHE WAS TEXTING” 🙁 🙁 🙁

  12. Why on earth would you try something you lack confidence and skills in?
    If after a few years of probation riding you fail to gain confidence, you doing it wrong .
    The number of hours I spend watching YouTube clips on riding and watching other riders, was likely more the the actual riding I did

  13. Shannon, your 1/2 the problem out there on the QLD motorways causing traffic slow ups and frustrations.
    Get off the right hand lane when you don’t need to be there.
    The crash that occurred was the following driver’s inattention however Shannon please remember that all the car drivers out there mixing it with you are able to kill you intentionally or unintentionally.
    Riding a scooter dressed in black/dark attire in a motorway right hand lane unnecessarily is just dumb.
    I do however like the front and rear camera setup you have/had.

  14. Did everyone miss the part where he said the main purpose of getting his license was to ride around in Taiwan with his girlfriend?!
    If you’re not even confident to lane filter here and can’t figure it out without someone teaching you how to do it, then you should get all your affairs in order here before your Taiwanese holiday because you won’t be coming back if you plan on scooting around over there. You’ve had a good run here, making it to 37, but unlike here, there’s not much in place in Taiwan to protect you from ‘natural selection’… At least you’ll only have to buy a one way ticket though! Best of luck!

  15. I am both appalled and concerned with most of the comments on this article.

    Most of them either:

    1) Fail at reading comprehension, in which case our school system needs to be looked at.
    2) Fail to understand what they are seeing (seriously, it’s a stopped guy being rear ended, legally he is golden and done what he needs to do…)
    3) Fail to understand the road rules (not all riders can lane filter legally, hence the point of the article, and according to the queensland road rules you must not be in the right lane unless overtaking with the exception being CONGESTED TRAFFIC. I don’t know about you but the morning commute for me is congested)

    Essentially the crux of the situation is that he was not confident in lane filtering as he wasn’t shown (you’re shown every other function of a bike in the course, why not this) and that is a totally legitimate reason not to lane filter. Hell, “I can’t be bothered” is also a totally legitimate reason not to lane filter as it’s not legally mandated. The point of the article is that it SHOULD be part of the learner course and they SHOULD be able to do it while learning (it’s not permitted for learners or P platers).

    Those of you claiming, or insinuating that he is in the wrong somehow, please please please go do a refresher on the rules. And those that are claiming additional training would have solved his problem magically, he literally just got his licence you muppets, and all the training in the world won’t help someone inattentively running up your ass because they’re on their phone (or don’t have their glasses on).

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