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COVID covers protect motorcycle riders

Covid covers

As Victoria considers stage 4 lockdowns, perhaps they should implement these COVID-19 covers that protect riders from their contagious pillions!

Two types of covers have been officially approved for use on motorcycle taxis in the Phillipines.

However, the government has not approved makeshift covers for other riders as they say they could be dangerous.

But that hasn’t stopped some riders who have invented their own protectors.

Joan Melani Mateo shared this photo on Facebook of the steel and plastic shield made by her husband Noel Alapar.covid covers

The Philippines and some other Asian countries, have limited pillions to married couples and partners only and they have advised them to wear face masks, gloves and helmets.

To prove their re­la­tion­ship, hus­bands and wives are re­quired to present their mar­riage con­tract to authorities while com­mon-law cou­ples and live-in part­ners must have IDs showing they are liv­ing at the same address.

Meanwhile, one Uganda taxi driver who disobeyed the coronavirus curfew has committed suicide in a police station after his bike was impounded.

Travel restrictions, enforced social isolation rules, the death threat from Covid-19 and financial disruption could lead to a rapid increase in anxiety and depression that outlasts the pandemic, according to data and analytics company GlobalData.

If you are experiencing mental issues, call Beyond Blue on 1300 22 4636, or Lifeline Australia on 131114.