Many riders take risks thinking “it couldn’t happen to me”, but those who have crashed have wiser heads and a...
There is absolutely no denying that a riding a motorcycle is a lot more fun than cars and it is...
Some riders love motorcycles because it gives them a short escape from their partner, but riding as couples could have more advantages, including better sex! Motorbike Writer psychologist Sharon Ledger says sharing your motorcycling passion could lead to more passion in the bedroom. “By all means, go for a ride...
Riders tend to be more cautious when it’s wet, but after heavy rain has dried, there are still many road...
Fatigue is identified as one of the “fatal five” causes of accidents responsible for as much as 20% of all...
Water crossings are possibly the most fun you can have on an adventure or dual-sport motorcycle. They are a blast and I still enjoy it, even after countless water crossings. In all that time, I’ve only had two failures and only one of those resulted in a drowned bike. Yet,...
Country roads are made for motorcycles with their interesting scenery and winding nature, but they are also full of hidden...
Not many motorcyclists purposely go out for a ride at night, but it’s exhilarating and we should do it more often to brush...
Summer is a great time to ride, but the heat can be dangerous and it’s time to think about the hazards of dehydration. Road riders tend to be a bit blasé about dehydration. Maybe it’s because riding doesn’t take a huge amount of effort. However, we are quite vulnerable to dehydration...
There is no doubt that a warm rider is far safer than one who is frozen solid in the winter...
The last thing you want to do is teach a novice rider all your bad habits built up over years...
Apart from scanning the road for hazards such as potholes and gravel, riders need to be on the lookout for potential hazards in the traffic. Motorbike Writer reader Moe Adamson approached us with a number of suggestions for traffic situations that could be particularly hazardous to riders. We have increased...
Motorcycles are the fastest-growing category of vehicles on our roads and are allowed to lane filter, so drivers should pay...
Cross-country travel is fun, but long-distance travel on a motorcycle is even more so – if you can manage to...
(Contributed post for our North American readers) Many of us love nothing more than to get on the open road and explore on our motorcycles. No matter how long you’ve been riding for, your health and safety should naturally be your number one priority. When comparing the fatality rate for...
(Share the Road sponsored post for our North American readers) The US Motorcycle Safety Foundation states that more than half...
The adventure motorcycle market is booming and many of these riders are new to riding on the dirt, so we have...
A spike in motorcycle crashes in South East Queensland this month has prompted a seven-point safety guide from the RACQ. Since December 1, the RACQ CareFlight helicopter has airlifted five people involved in motorcycle crashes and attended another that claimed the life of a young motorbike rider. CareFlight Group...
Riders seem to cop more road rage than other motorists. This could be because we are seen as road menaces,... This video is yet another reason to avoid road rage. The rider takes the time to flick the finger and...
While caravans may not represent much of an obstacle for motorcycle riders, they can still be among the worst-behaved motorists on the road. Have you ever been stuck behind a slow-moving caravan on a mountain road, but where there is a passing opportunity downhill, it speeds up preventing traffic from passing?...
Many riders like to get into the holiday spirit by wearing Santa, elf, Elmo or reindeer novelty helmet covers. However,...
Despite motorcycle rider numbers growing faster than any other road segment, we still seem to be public enemy number one...
We all enjoy going hard some times, but if you are an over-committed rider, you leave no margin for error and the results can be catastrophic. While other motorists should watch out for riders, we also have to take responsibility for our own safety. That means not using the road...
Many riders may not realise that if they are involved in a crash, they may not be covered for what...
Many riders are taught to leave a two or three-second gap between their bike and the vehicle they are a...
Unlike car drivers, most riders seem to want to learn to be a competent rider and improve their skills so they are safer, quicker and can enjoy their chosen recreation more. However, not every rider learns the same way. I have been to numerous road and off-road car and motorcycle...
Riding motorcycles is never a pain, but it can cause pain, especially cramps in the legs and arms and aches...
Have you ever thought about doing a track day but were a little bit concerned about not being good enough...
In a near half century of riding, Bill Davidson, great grandson of Harley-Davidson founder William A. Davidson, has had only one minor motorcycle crash on the road. The company vice-president was in Australia last week for the 100th anniversary of the iconic brand in Australia. The celebrations included a 2300km ride from...
Potholes are dangerous, but bumps or a seam of humps in the middle of a lane caused by heavy vehicles...
Mention the words “track day training” and most riders think it’s all about getting your knee down. I was recently...
A simple lane filtering rule change could save the lives of riders who filter to the front of traffic at the lights and then take off immediately on the green. That’s what most lane-filtering riders do. However, they run the risk of being hit by vehicles from the side running a...
Australian riders are desperately short of road craft advanced riding courses after the closure of a subsidised course on the...
Riders have been urged to wear all their gear and take a riding course in the wake of a “horror...
It seems a strange thing that you could fall asleep on a loud and exciting motorcycle, but it can and does happen; just not as often as in a car. In a car, you are seated in a comfortable and supported position, the temperature is controlled and noises are muted....
A world-first online motorcycle-specific hazard perception test has identified a scenario where a SMIDSY crash was partially the rider’s fault....
We may not like riding in the rain, but with the weather being so unpredictable you are bound to get caught...
Commuting to work is one legitimate way to ride and avoid the pandemic lockdown and travel bans, yet some riders are either scared for their safety or find it inconvenient. Motorcycle commuting is not only fun and challenging, but also handy for parking, faster than cars because of lane filtering...
The Dutch Reach is a simple technique of opening a car door that could save motorcyclists filtering through traffic from...