Steampunk is a sub-genre of science fiction that typically features steam-powered machinery – especially in a setting inspired by industrialized...
Just over a year ago, I published a small post on a startup motorcycle helmet accessory called “Lightmode Helmets.” It...
Modified Cosplay Helmet for a Celty Sturluson of Durarara! What you’ll need: Helmet to use as a base OR make your own! Painters Tape Lightweight cardboard/tagboard Gesso Sand-paper Paper Clay or air-drying clay Woodglue Yellow and Blue Paint Clear Enamel spraypaint Steps 1-3: Prep-work Get a Helmet Take off the...
Graphics for motorcycle helmets are a quick and easy way to style up your new helmet with the added cost...
How to make a Custom Iron Man Motorcycle Helmet Essentially, making your own Iron Man motorcycle helmet is taking a...
Creating a unique motorcycle helmet is not for everyone. Not all bikers want a helmet that is different in some way from others. And that is ok. This article, however, is for the crazy weirdo’s that want to make something a little custom. Let’s get started. Like most custom helmets,...
What is it? Pin striping (pinstriping) is the application of a very thin line of paint or other material called a pin stripe, and...
This Venator Mark I Helmet video by WALTERRIFIC walks you through what pieces are needed and how to do it for yourself....
History of Pinups She’s a little naughty, but not too enticing, a welcome sight for both your prudish mother and your horny teenage cousin. Who is she? She’s a pin-up girl, an all natural American sweetheart that won the admiration and the hearts of men all across the country. Immediately...
Ah, 2 of my most favorite helmet accessories. The Horns and the Spikes. One of the reasons that I like...
Fallout Helmets – Brotherhood Steel Helmet Trying to find a DOT certified helmet that looks like a character...
Pre-order your Halo Master Chief Motorcycle Helmet Limited Edition Replica right now before you are too late. How to make your own Custom Halo Motorcycle Helmet By: Tigerpause So really, like the Iron Man Motorcycle Helmet, you will combining a novelty helmet from the game Halo (which there are...
Someone sent me a picture of a pumpkin head helmet and I just couldn’t help myself… Pumpkin Motorcycle Helmets Not...
What is the first thing that comes to mind when you see a helmet like this on the street!? That’s...
In recent times a number of helmet manufacturers have started developing technology which increases the usability of a bike helmet. One of these is the use of an intercom device which can be attached within helmet and can be used easily and effectively in a number of different ways in...
Creating a custom motorcycle helmet is just not as hard as some people make it out to be. When you...
What’s cooler than riding your motorcycle with your headphones on cranked up to your favorite track while riding? Wearing a...
In the 1st version of the Ventaor Mark I Helmet, WALTERRIFIC walked us through how to make each piece, and how to attach them to the helmet in order. Making custom pieces for your helmet is truly the way to have a unique one-of-a-kind custom motorcycle helmet. No one is going to...
Red Hood – A lesser known super-hero Over the years people have come to love comic book characters. Everyone has...
Originally, I had written a very extensive article about helmet lights with LED strip lighting. The entire story included more than...