1. Airbrushtutor – by Mitch Lowther “The most important thing i’d recommend is to keep your air compressed, keep the air on...
Helmets that have been painted with an air gun or air brush are referred to as Airbrushed Motorcycle Helmets. Here...
In the 1st version of the Ventaor Mark I Helmet, WALTERRIFIC walked us through how to make each piece, and how to attach them to the helmet in order. Making custom pieces for your helmet is truly the way to have a unique one-of-a-kind custom motorcycle helmet. No one is going to...
Ah, 2 of my most favorite helmet accessories. The Horns and the Spikes. One of the reasons that I like...
Wearing a motorcycle helmet is the most important part of a motorcyclist’s safety gear. In this video by How It’s...
What a custom motorcycle helmet means to me may means something a little different to you. So to start I would prefer to line out my interpretation of a Custom Motorcycle Helmet: cus·tom (kstm) 1. Made to order. 2. Specializing in the making or selling of made-to-order goods: a custom...
There are just a few terms from the world of “bling” vocabulary you should know before we start looking at...
In recent times a number of helmet manufacturers have started developing technology which increases the usability of a bike helmet....
This set of instructions is reposted with permission from Beenay25 on Instructables I thought it was time to buy an SRC Bluetooth collar for my Schuberth crash helmet. Now, the latest Bluetooth communication systems are the most amazing pieces of kit. For starters, you can listen to your favourite MP3s...
History of Pinups She’s a little naughty, but not too enticing, a welcome sight for both your prudish mother and...
Graphics for motorcycle helmets are a quick and easy way to style up your new helmet with the added cost...
If you’re looking to create more swirling techniques on your old helmet, check out these videos for more tips and tricks! In this video by DeanSwirled, watch an old, boring helmet reach extraordinary levels when it gets a new black and white swirl design. First, the helmet must be sanded...
Pre-order your Halo Master Chief Motorcycle Helmet Limited Edition Replica right now before you are too late. How to make...
If you’re looking for a few great tutorials on how to plasti dip your motorcycle helmet, then you’ve come to...
Skull helmets are really awesome, and if you can make one yourself, it’s even better. But how can you do it so you are able to still see through the visor? In this great video from Daniel Andersson, he will show you just how he made a skull helmet that...
Whether you’re a seasoned rider or a newbie just learning the ropes, check out this info-packed video that gives 20...
If you’ve been thinking about installing exhaust pipe wraps, you want to be sure you do it right the first...
This Venator Mark I Helmet video by WALTERRIFIC walks you through what pieces are needed and how to do it for yourself. Being that I’m a fan of the Star Wars Helmets, it’s pretty cool. Here’s a quick step by step of what you need to do should you choose to take...
What’s cooler than riding your motorcycle with your headphones on cranked up to your favorite track while riding? Wearing a...
Custom Bling by Ricci adds Swarovski Crystals on your motorcycle parts, helmets, autos, apparel, hats, cowboy boots, and anything beyond...
One of my new favorite motorcycle heros, Backroad Moto has some hilarious videos on their channel. This one shows how he modified a helmet and customized it into a Mad Max Design. While he does not break down any boring technical details, he shows you exactly how the bits...
Laying down the line, striping, or just scribbling – whatever you want to call it – it’s an art and...
Helmet Hair. You’ve been there, in the center of a parking lot surround by about 1,000 bikers – half of...
Originally, I had written a very extensive article about helmet lights with LED strip lighting. The entire story included more than just LED lighting. I wanted a chance to cover the entire world of flexible lighting. Since the LED lighting showed that there was way more than enough awesomeness to put...
Interested in what heat changing paint and hydrographics can do for you? Check out these two great videos below for...
Red Hood – A lesser known super-hero Over the years people have come to love comic book characters. Everyone has...
Motorcycle HelmetsArtist SpotlightMotorcycle ArtMotorcycle Helmet Customization How-To's & GuidesCool List
··1 min readRiding in style with a sweet custom painted motorcycle helmet is somewhat of a fun game to play. You can show off your fun side, crazy side, or just add some style (and paint) to your helmet to make it a one-of-a-kind masterpiece; your helmet. You will defiantly be inspired...
Creating a unique motorcycle helmet is not for everyone. Not all bikers want a helmet that is different in some...
Looking for a unique way to spruce up your helmet? Check out this quick video from PP Design to see how one...
Modified Cosplay Helmet for a Celty Sturluson of Durarara! What you’ll need: Helmet to use as a base OR make your own! Painters Tape Lightweight cardboard/tagboard Gesso Sand-paper Paper Clay or air-drying clay Woodglue Yellow and Blue Paint Clear Enamel spraypaint Steps 1-3: Prep-work Get a Helmet Take off the...
Creating a custom motorcycle helmet is just not as hard as some people make it out to be. When you...
If you’d love to add ceramic coating to your exhaust pipes, but don’t want to pay someone else to do...
There is something that is special about a one-of-a-kind, truly unique helmet. One that was painted (either by you or for you) that is unlike anything that is out there on the road. I’ve been really interested in starting to paint a few of my own helmets lately, and also...
Motorcycle HelmetsMotorcycle ArtArtist SpotlightMotorcycle Helmet Customization How-To's & GuidesCool List
··1 min readOriginally when I posted 10 Custom Helmets from Chemical Candy Customs that I love, and you will too I was just...
Someone sent me a picture of a pumpkin head helmet and I just couldn’t help myself… Pumpkin Motorcycle Helmets Not...
The steps to make a Moto Pilot helmet for yourself are simple in theory, but actually making a helmet and having it look good are a little more complex. Yeah, Yeah, Cut glue – Cut glue. Not so fast. Check out what goes into making an awesome looking a replica...
Have you been wondering if the Icon Variant helmet is a good fit for you? Take a quick look at...
Riding motorcycles is a dream that every rider wants to become a pro one day. But where do you ride...
Looking for a cool and unique design for your motorcycle helmet? Something that no one else will have? Try making your own swirl paint design! This great video by Sublime Ninja will show you just how to recreate this awesome design all for yourself! Remove the visor from the helmet...
Guest post by Liz Hardy Motorcycle helmets pose a special challenge when you’re as blind as a bat. Actually, when...