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Call to turn speed cameras around

Kiwi fixed speed camera satellite

New Zealand authorities are being urged to turn speed cameras around because front-on cameras are not catching speeding motorcyclists.

It’s a better option than re-introducing front number plates for motorcycles as suggested by former Victorian Road Safety Camera Commissioner Gordon Lewis.

Speeding motorcyclists are estimated to account for around 10% of motorists captured by front-on speed cameras.

Like Lewis, the Kiwi Automobile Association doesn’t like the fact that these speeding riders are not being fined buy generic clomidThey say riders are emboldened to speed, knowing they cannot be fined.

However, unlike Lewis, the AA has called for their fixed speed cameras that shoot front-on to be turned around to shoot the rear of the vehicle.

Most fixed cameras in Australia shoot the rear of the vehicle while mobile speed camera units are able to shoot both ways.speed cameras

Police usually chose to shoot the front of a vehicle as the number plate is less likely to be obscured by road grime or tow balls.

When they set up their speed camera units, they weigh up the losses of offences for speeding cars lost because of obscured number plates against the number of speeding riders not caught.

A front-facing camera also gives motorists less time to brake and wash off speed.

Front plate push

Some police and road safety nannies are still pushing for front number plates on motorcycles, but the fervour has dropped in recent years.

None of the Australian automobile associations has brought up that hoary old topic and Lewis’s replacement has no interest in demonising riders.

The change in attitude is largely thanks to a comprehensive Victorian Motorcycle Council report in 2014.

It found that implementing front number plates – or “people slicers” as they used to be called – would cost the motorcycle community millions in initial outlay and ongoing annual costs.front number plate turn speed cameras around

Their front number plate policy statement covers issues such as aesthetics, costs, road safety, history, speeding offences, design rules, electronic tags and more.

In one of the most compelling cases, the VMC claims it would cost the Victorian motorcycling community some “$30 million with an ongoing $1 million-plus annually plus the cost of a yet-to-be-determined suitable FNP design. This is a significant impost on any community and such a cost imposition for no net benefit should categorically rule out the proposal”.

They say it would also ruin the resale value of Victorian motorcycles and affect the interstate trade in bikes.

Read their full report here.

  1. I hope authorities never decide to return to putting number plates on the front of motorbikes. The first bike I had back in the early 1970’s had to have 2 plates (NSW) and it was a real struggle mounting the front plate as it was an offroad bike with a high front mudguard mounted just below the headlight. We had to fabricate a plate holder above the headlight so that it was legal and I always looked at the top of the plate and thought what it would do to me if I went over the top and it scraped my skin, nasty!
    Most bikes sold in Australia just do not have provision for a number plate on the front and lets be honest, how many speeding motorcycles are there really? Sure, you might give your bike a “squirt” but most bikes stay somewhere around the speed limit as there are so many ways the cops can catch you speeding and who wants to lose their licence or their bike under hoon legislation?
    As for those bikes which speed ridiculously or have unlicensed riders or are unregistered, I hope the police DO catch them as these are the ones that are (mostly) killing themselves and giving the rest of the biking community a bad name. These are the riders I want off the roads as they are just as likely to kill someone else as they are to kill themselves but adding front plates won’t help catch unregistered bikes.

  2. “Police usually chose to shoot the front of a vehicle as the number plate is less likely to be obscured by road grime or two balls.”

    ahem …

      1. I often see two balls hanging from the back of cars but if they obscured the number plates in sure there’d be a couple of acres in fines to go with them.

  3. Only a matter of time before Harold Scruby (the fashion marketing guy who seems to think he knows a lot about road safety) chimes in I guess, calling it a rort/etc that motorcycles are allowed to “get away” with this, padded with lots of emotional and loaded language.

    Motorcyclists aren’t “getting away” with anything, nor are they doing anything illegal or immoral – if the system is designed not to catch them, its the system ‘at fault’ – of course the system is designed to raise revenue and has nothing to do with road safety, so the fault is n-levels deep.

    Is there any information on how many countries require front plats on motorcycles? A quick search indicates in some places they aren’t even required on cars, especially where the design of the car doesn’t easily facilitate fixing of a plate. There’s also indications of places where front plates were a requirement but this has been removed in recent years …

  4. They started front detection because you’d be in the rear aimed detection beam before you saw them.
    Rear plate detection means everyone has time to brake prior to the forward aimed detection beam. So basically they’ll raise less money, which was the reason for rearward facing cameras in the first place.
    Remember,it’s all about money!

  5. “Police usually chose to shoot the front of a vehicle as the number plate is less likely to be obscured by road grime or tow balls.”
    So this means that cars with obscured rear plates are a bigger issue than motorcycles not having a front plate.

  6. Look, let’s get rid of radar altogether, and fit all vehicles with online gps, with a link to your bank account and departments of transport. ” you.. have… just … deposited, $380 ….. into …. general revenue……. have …a….nice……day”. Oh no what have I done!!!

  7. It is not the speed , it is the voracious appetite for money which drives the half truths .
    Contemporary vehicles of all types are so superior from hose of even 10 years ago , yet we are constrained to use road designs some of which were laid out 100 years ago.
    Unfortunately Police and Government are trapped in thought processes of over 120 years ago, but only because it suits them.
    Roads need to be designed to suit the future situations , and if one does not believe the pollies think backwardly the the current Vic premier is a good example , he cost the state a Billion dollars to renege on a contract for a road tunnel which in twenty years would have been a major traffic bypass , and all just to get elected.
    If roads are designed properly vehicular speed does not become an issue.

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