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Bumpy Summerland Way goes smooth

Summerland Way
Google Maps images

The Summerland Way in northern NSW is a popular motorcycle route, except for some very bumpy and dangerous sections for motorcyclists.

One section near Burnetts Creek, not far from the junction with the Mt Lindesay Highway and about 50km north of Kyogle, is due to be widened and resurfaced from next week.

Hopefully in widening the road, they don’t take some of the exciting twists out of it!

Transport for NSW Director North, Anna Zycki, said the $2.5 million project is funded by the NSW Government through a range of programs, including the Safer Roads Program, and will be carried out by Kyogle Council.

Summerland Way
Google Maps images

Popular route

“Summerland Way is a popular tourist and freight road, and an important link to regional NSW,” she says.

“This work will improve the safety and performance of this stretch of road, ensuring better outcomes for travellers and businesses alike.”

She obviously hasn’t noticed it’s also very popular with riders who should take the Lions Rd shortcut over the next couple of months while work is being carried out.

Lions Rd Summerland Way
Lions Rd

The Lions Rd has been upgraded but still has its share of bumpy tar as well.

Kyogle Council has also been tasked with the roadworks on the Lions Rd which has largely been good quality.

However, there have been some complaints from riders about dangerous loose gravel being left behind after roadworks.

Summerland roadworks

Summerland Way
Burnetts Creek

The Summerland Way project will start on Monday 24 February 2020 on a 1.7km site at Burnetts Ck.

Work will be carried out between 7am and 5pm on weekdays and 8am and 1pm on Saturdays, if required, and is expected to be completed by the end of May, weather permitting.

Traffic control and a reduced speed limit will be in place with delays of up to five minutes expected.

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Waterfall Way roadworks

Waterfall Way roadworks
Waterfall Way roadworks

Another great riding road further south is also getting some attention and will have traffic disruptions.

Work on stabilising the slope to avoid rock falls has started on Waterfall Way between Dorrigo and Bellingen.

It will be carried out between 7am and 6pm on weekdays and is expected to take about five months to complete, weather permitting.

The road will be reduced to one lane with traffic lights and a 10-minute wait.