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Best motorcycle audio now even better

Boom! Box Stage II Motorcycle audio
Boom! Box Stage II

Harley-Davidson has released the Boom! Audio Stage II motorcycle audio suite of speakers to put the rock in your roll.

I’ve never been a fan of motorcycle audio systems as the wind noise usually defeats the weak and distorted sound from the puny speaker systems.

Boom! Box Stage II Motorcycle audio
Boom! Box audio

However, the combination of the Boom! Box audio and the wind-tunnel-tested Project Rushmore Touring range changed my mind about bike audio systems.

It is simply the best I have heard, thanks also to the lack of buffeting on the Touring bikes.

Now, Harley has upgraded the Boom! system with the Stage II speakers. They are weatherproof three-way speakers with “high-excursion woofers” which should greatly improve the bass response.

Bass is the first thing drowned out by the white noise of wind and engine. If this system restores that bass, then it will be a truly rocking experience.

The Boom! Audio Stage II is designed to work seamlessly with Touring models’ factory installed Boom! Audio head unit with 300 watt amplifier.

Surprisingly, good sound is not just about power, but about the quality of the speakers and lack of distortion. You can make anything loud, but if it isn’t clear, it’s painful. Thankfully, the 1% distortion in the Boom! speakers mean this audio system is not only loud, but also very clear.

However, you can make it even louder with the optional eight-speaker system with four separate amps pumping out a total of 1200 watts!

The new system is one of several new entries in the Harley-Davidson “Big Book” of Genuine Motor Parts & Accessories.

Ape hangers - Motorcycle audio
Fat Ape bars

Some call it the Bible and it includes products for all Harley-Davidson models across categories of Fit, Function, Style, Performance and Garage.

The expanded line-up of options also includes: Sportster Clubman Handlebar ($257), Café Solo Seat ($471), Rider Backrest Organiser storage system ($142), Road Glide 15-inch-high Fat Ape 1.25-inch-thick handlebar with internal wiring in chrome or satin black ($373) and the Vintage White Collection of hand and foot controls.

David Turney, advertising and PR manager for Harley-Davidson Australia & New Zealand,  says customers “eagerly await” annual updates to the Harley Big Book.

The 2015 Harley-Davidson Genuine Motor Parts & Accessories catalogue and full range of new products are available from authorised Harley-Davidson Dealers across Australia and New Zealand. 

Solo seat  - Motorcycle audio
Cafe solo seat
Organiser  - Motorcycle audio
Rider Backrest Organiser