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Back on Your Bike free road safety workshop

Targeting new and returning riders

Riders from throughout NSW are welcome to attend the next back on Your Bike free road safety workshop in Armidale on Saturday, 12 March.

The key words “free” and “safety” should appeal to many riders and it doesn’t matter where you come from as it’s a great ride out to Armidale up the Oxley Highway or Waterfall Way.

The workshop at the NOVA centre in Armidale on 12 March from 8.30am–3.30pm will feature presentations including TfNSW, motorcycle first aid, road safety, riding skills, basic mechanics and mental health.

Registration is essential and numbers are limited. To register, click here.

The first Back on Your Bike in 2015 was held in Newcastle, the workshop attracted around 40 participants and was mainly organised by Chris Tola, who has been helping with the annual Bikers for Kids Toy Run in Newcastle for a few years.

In 2020, he secured funding from the Community Road Safety Grant and about 50 attended the workshop, again in Newcastle.

This year, Transport for NSW Associate Community and Safety Partner Alison Balding has acknowledged the benefit of the first two workshops and secured funding.

“At this stage it isn’t a state-wide project,” she says.

“Dependant on funding and evaluations we are interested in expanding the workshops to other regions. 

“Note that the workshop is not an on-road workshop – more presentations, with some hands-on elements incorporated in the first-aid and basic mechanics elements. 

“Also included will be a TfNSW element focusing on local crash analysis, improvements being undertaken on local roads and ways riders can be engaged in road safety projects.”

Alison, who works at the North Region – New England office thought Armidale was a good location this time. 

Chris says he hopes the program will roll out across the nation.

“We’re hoping for 50 attendees and we have six presenters, ranging from first-aid (St John), motorcycle maintenance (Supermoto Armidale), the Crew from Wheel Skills, and a mental Health Practitioner from Healing-Works presenting on mental health issues,” Chris says.