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Australia’s Ride Your Motorcycle Week Kicks Off This Month

September 21-27

Ride Your Motorcycle Week

The Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries would be preparing for its usual Ride Your Motorcycle to Work Week initiative but with 2020 being what it is and the pandemic causing many people to stay home, the initiative has been changed to just Ride Your Motorcycle Week.

The event will run from September 21 to 27, and it is encouraging riders to go for a ride and “Ride This Thing Out” to cope with all that’s going on this year.

“The pandemic has hit everyone hard and the mental health benefits of riding are well documented. Riding makes you happy and right now, Australians need a break. The biggest smiles are always hidden behind a helmet,” said FCAI motorcycle manager Rhys Griffiths.

The point of the initiative is to get as many Aussies out riding. It’s also to bring awareness for motorcycling in general.

“Our aim this year is primarily about reminding Aussies how much fun they can have on a bike, but our secondary goal is to capture the attention of policymakers who too often overlook riding in developing transportation infrastructure.”

So, it doesn’t matter what bike you have in your shed, whether it be a large touring bike, an adventure bike, or a scooter, try your best to get out on two wheels during September 21 to 27. Also, check out the initiative’s Facebook page to get updates on riding and COVID-19.