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2019 Christmas Toy Runs hit top gear

Toy Run Townsville list christmas
Townsville Toy Run

‘Tis the season for Christmas Toy Runs with three major charity events this weekend in the far north and south of the nation.

There is the 24rd Tabelands Toy Run on Saturday and on Sunday the Toy Run for Father Bob in Melbourne and the 39th Townsville Toy Run.

The latter also has a GoFundme page to raise $5000 to aid people still reeling from the February floods.

Organiser Dave Ross says many Townsville families lost “absolutely everything in the floods earlier this year”.

So they started the GoFundMe campaign to raise funds to buy more items such as Christmas trees and decorations, personal grooming for young teenagers, educational toys for toddlers, etc.

Join our Christmas list

We’re making a list and checking it twice, so make sure your Christmas toy run is included.

Click here to send details to us via email and we will add your toy run to this article.

Please do not send details via any other message as they can get lost.

Make sure to tell us where and when it starts, where it goes, how long is the ride and what should riders bring as gifts/donations?

Most toy runs accept gifts of toys and non-perishable foods which are distributed by various charities to needy families.

Safe toy runs

Ipswich Toy Run cops Grinch list christmas
Ipswich toy run

Riders are encouraged to dress up and decorate their bikes in Christmas themes, but ensure they are still safe and roadworthy.

Also, the Lockyer Ulysses Branch which runs the Ipswich Toy Run has warned riders not to throw lollies or high-five spectators as it could lead to a crash.

They say Ipswich Police they will access video of the event and fine offending riders or pillions.

We are unaware of any similar warnings at any other toy runs.

However, police in several states have told us that anyone putting themselves and other road users at risk at these events “will be dealt with accordingly”.

So, no impunity at toy runs just because they aid charity!

Toy Runs list

(Click on the place name for more details)Christmas toy runs

November 23

Tabelands: The 23rd annual Tablelands Toy Run starts with breakfast from 7.30am at the Tinaroo Rural Fire Brigade on Tinaroo Falls Dam Road. The ride starts at 9am starts and finishes with a barbecue at the Tolga Salvation Army Store on the Kennedy Highway. Prizes for best decorated bikes and riders.

November 24

South Melbourne: The Toy Run for Father Bob departs 10.15am from Seaford, Noble Park, Ringwood & Ring Road East service centre to 204 Gladstone St, South Melbourne for 11am. Donations – age appropriate – tots to teens, youths and families.  New unwrapped gifts, plush (not fluffy) stuffed toys, books, puzzles, indoor/outdoor games, musical instruments, novelty accessories, festive season edible treats, gift vouchers, fun park/event/cinema tickets, and cash.  Unavoidably they have had to scale down the event activities this year.  2020 we will be back at 1-7 Wharf Road, Port Melbourne, with food, stalls, raffles, music, a mystery main ride, and prizes.

Townsville: 39th Salvation Army Christmas Toy Run Appeal on Sunday November 24 at Village Boulevard Riverway Park under the trees with a 90km ride from 9am. Donations can be dropped at North Shore Woollies or Toyworld.

December 1

Toy Run Newcastle superheroes
Superheroes theme in Newcastle

Newcastle: The Bikers for Kids Toy Run is one of Australia’s oldest and arguably the biggest. More than 12,000 are bikes expected for the 42nd running of the event, from 8am, leaving from Stockton to Wickam Park. Click here to register. This year’s theme is again superheroes!

Sunshine Coast: Ulysses Toy Run starts at Kawana Shoppingworld from 8am and ends at the surf club.

Bendigo: The Bendigo Toy Run, organised by Allies Motorcycle Club Bendigo, meets at Lansell Plaza at 8 for an 8.30 ride to Lake Weeroona for a barbecue lunch, activities and prizes.

Mt Lindesay: Register from 8am at the Middle Green Sports Club, Greenbank, for a ride leaving at 10am. Cost is $10 ($5 for pillion) which includes water, patch and a lucky draw prize entry. All proceeds go to Beckey’s Place which supports children and adults with special needs to develop a relationship with miniature horses. Bring unwrapped toys for children. There is a trophy for the best decorated bike.

Fraser Coast:  Assemble from 7am for a 9am start from the Brolga Theatre in Walker St, Maryborough. The Independent Riders Australia run ends at Torbanlea with a sausage sizzle, live music, raffles and more.

December 7

Hobart: The 40th MRA Toy Run starts at the Derwent Entertainment Centre at noon and finishes on the lawn in front of Parliament House.

Gippsland: The 20th Gippsland Motorcyclists Toy Run starts at Bobber Dave’s Bike Shop, Nefertiti Court, Traralgon, from 9.30am for a departure at 11am. Ride ends at Old Gippstown, Moe, for lunch. Toys and gifts go to the Salvos and Vinnies.

December 8

Brisbane Santa Ride: Riders muster at New Farm Park from 7.30am. All proceeds this year go to the Starlight Children’s Foundation.

Ipswich: The Lockyer Branch of the Ulysses Club holds their 23rd annual toy run from 8am at Brassall Shopping Centre. Remember not to throw lollies or high-five kids!

Adelaide: The 41str Motorcycle Riders Association of SA Toy Run will be held at the Clipsal Track in Victoria at 11am Park, finishing with a fete on Callington Oval.

December 14

Christmas charity toy runs

Canberra: The 39th Annual Motorcyclists Toy Run from the Old Parliament House starts at 8am with a loop ride at 10am. Trophies for the club with the biggest attendance and the largest corporate group entry.

Sale:  The 22nd Annual Keith Hamilton Toy Run starts at 9.30am from the Sale Clock Tower accepts non-perishable food, children’s clothes and toys in the sleigh at the GJ Gardner Homes office.

Gold Coast: Gold Coast Cruiser Club is hosting the Cruizing for Cruz Toy Run from the Salisbury Hotel from 1.30pm and partying into the night.

December 15

ToowoombaMotorcycle Toy Run starts at various meeting points in Goombungee, Oakey, Nobby and Gatton at 10.30am and rides to Picnic Point.  All others meet at Picnic Point at 10.30am. Ride starts at 12.30pm and finishes at the Downs Motorcycle Sporting Club at the Toowoomba Showgrounds. All donations go to the Toowoomba Hospital and St Vincent de Paul.

Melbourne: The 42nd Melbourne Toy Run is a week later this year with starting points all over the city heading to MCAS 16A Keilor Park Dr from 9am to 6pm. All proceeds go to the Salvation Army.