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100 best and worst cities for commuting

How to ride safely in heavy traffic lane filtering happiest commuters commuting plan

Commuting is easier and safer in Perth than any other Australian city, while Sydney is the worst, according to a German traffic study.

While lane filtering now allows riders to dodge the worst of the daily commute, riders still face commuting costs of fuel and parking, traffic crashes and road rage.

German automotive website, Kfzteile24, studied 10 wide-reaching commuting factors and covers commuters on all types of transport, including motorcycles.

Perth rated the best place in Australia for commuting at 19th, followed by Brisbane at 45th, Melbourne 55th, Adelaide surprisingly at 57th and Sydney worst 61st.

How to ride safely in heavy traffic lane filtering peeved commuters commuting
Brisbane traffic

Congestion ratings

Based on the TomTom Traffic Index, congestion is worst in Kolkota, India, with a score of 69% and best was Bern in Switzerland and the Dutch city of Rotterdam at 19%.

By comparison Perth and Adelaide are 27%, Brisbane 28%, Melbourne 33% and Sydney39%.

Consequently, road rage in Sydney was the 21st worst with the worst being in St Petersburg, Russia.

The study listed the cost of fuel as 90c US (about $A1.12) across all Australian capitals.

The highest fuel costs were in Hong Kong at $US1.94 (about $A2.43) and the lowest were in Lagos in Nigeria at 46c (about 59c), even lower than oil-rich Dubai at 48c.

Safest commuting

Safest place for commuting is in Switzerland with three Swiss cities scoring a perfect score of 10, while the worst was Bangkok with 1.

Australia is comparatively safe with a score of 5.81 across all cities.

Lane filtering lane splitting stop lines commuting
Bangkok traffic

Road quality

Best roads are generally in Europe, but the perfect score of 10 was shared by Singapore, Helsinki, Marseille, Bordeaux, Paris, Manchester and Nice.

While good roads generally mean fewer commuting crash injures, there are some glaring anomalies such as Manchester which scored badly on crashes.

Once again, the commuting study gave the same score of 7.26 to all listed Australian cities.

The results below show scores for each commuting category with a final rank at the end. Low numbers are bad and high numbers are good.

(If you can’t read the table properly, try a desktop computer or turning your phone or tablet sideways.)

# City   Country   Traffic





















1 Dusseldorf Germany 20% 1.52 1.31 8.88 1.74 21.20 5.55 7.03 9.23 8.96 1
2 Dubai UAE 26% 0.48 0.51 3.81 4.54 31.70 8.00 9.13 8.24 8.65 2
3 Zurich Switzerland 31% 1.42 1.49 9.59 3.65 25.50 7.00 8.78 9.80 9.86 3
4 Tokyo Japan 26% 1.14 0.94 10.00 4.18 30.50 4.27 6.94 8.83 8.45 4
5 Basel Switzerland 27% 1.42 1.49 9.01 2.55 17.50 7.64 10.00 9.80 9.91 5
6 Singapore Singapore 38% 1.44 0.99 8.56 1.39 32.40 3.45 8.69 10.00 8.25 6
7 Dortmund Germany 23% 1.49 1.26 7.39 1.74 19.90 5.18 7.03 9.23 9.01 7
8 Vienna Austria 31% 1.26 1.16 9.75 3.94 28.00 5.09 5.81 9.60 9.87 8
9 Munich Germany 30% 1.50 1.28 9.26 2.09 27.40 6.73 7.03 9.23 7.28 9
10 Calgary Canada 20% 0.93 0.77 8.27 10.96 26.80 10.00 5.19 8.83 7.19 10
11 Bern Switzerland 19% 1.42 1.49 8.65 2.78 12.40 6.45 10.00 9.80 9.78 11
12 Stuttgart Germany 28% 1.50 1.27 8.06 2.09 24.90 5.73 7.03 9.23 8.18 12
13 Montreal Canada 29% 0.93 0.77 9.01 7.04 23.00 8.82 5.19 8.83 8.81 13
14 Toronto Canada 30% 0.93 0.77 8.69 7.83 25.60 9.18 5.19 8.83 8.38 14
15 Helsinki Finland 31% 1.55 1.34 8.85 4.18 20.00 7.64 6.42 10.00 10.00 15
16 Seattle USA 34% 0.70 0.67 8.27 10.61 36.10 9.82 3.10 8.43 9.37 16
17 Frankfurt Germany 28% 1.51 1.27 7.64 3.13 20.50 4.73 7.03 9.23 8.78 17
18 Amsterdam Netherlands 22% 1.67 1.30 6.36 5.45 18.80 6.09 8.51 9.03 9.51 18
19 Perth Australia 27% 0.90 0.94 5.21 2.78 21.20 8.27 5.81 7.26 8.29 19
20 Essen Germany 28% 1.48 1.26 5.46 2.61 20.00 5.91 7.03 9.23 8.83 20
21 Madrid SPAIN 25% 1.29 1.17 3.97 2.90 24.30 7.91 8.17 8.83 6.15 21
22 Ottawa Canada 28% 0.93 0.77 7.52 6.66 18.10 9.91 5.19 8.83 8.45 22
23 San Antonio USA 20% 0.70 0.67 4.96 10.12 24.90 8.64 3.10 8.43 8.22 23
24 Geneva Switzerland 29% 1.42 1.49 8.87 3.57 11.20 7.27 10.00 9.80 9.73 24
25 Hamburg Germany 33% 1.49 1.25 8.42 1.74 12.50 6.82 7.03 9.23 9.26 25
26 Stockholm Sweden 28% 1.57 1.53 5.88 9.05 36.20 5.00 9.65 8.24 9.33 26
27 Marseille France 29% 1.46 1.31 4.06 2.67 29.90 4.09 6.42 10.00 8.45 27
28 Prague Czech Rep 23% 1.20 1.16 7.35 4.41 16.80 4.55 8.43 8.43 7.17 28
29 Graz Austria 29% 1.26 1.16 6.71 3.02 16.20 5.36 5.81 9.60 9.86 29
30 Rotterdam Netherlands 19% 1.67 1.30 8.76 4.64 13.10 6.00 8.51 9.03 6.54 30
31 Berlin Germany 29% 1.49 1.26 9.84 1.97 13.10 5.82 7.03 9.23 6.11 31
32 Barcelona SPAIN 31% 1.29 1.17 6.71 3.94 20.00 5.64 8.17 8.83 7.19 32
33 Cologne Germany 34% 1.51 1.27 6.94 2.09 20.60 5.45 7.03 9.23 7.03 33
34 Birmingham UK 40% 1.51 1.52 8.43 4.54 27.30 9.55 9.13 8.24 6.44 34
35 Bremen Germany 32% 1.51 1.27 8.22 2.67 11.20 7.09 7.03 9.23 8.81 35
36 Seoul Korea 30% 1.27 1.09 9.33 5.36 29.30 2.82 4.15 8.63 6.85 36
37 Oslo Norway 30% 1.83 1.70 8.09 6.15 44.10 6.36 8.08 4.33 9.48 37
38 Glasgow UK 30% 1.51 1.52 5.70 2.67 16.80 9.36 9.13 8.24 4.73 38
39 Bordeaux France 40% 1.46 1.31 6.94 2.78 13.80 6.45 6.42 10.00 10.00 39
40 Auckland New Zealand 38% 1.41 0.88 8.51 12.13 23.70 9.27 5.19 6.87 8.92 40
41 Austin USA 25% 0.70 0.67 5.21 6.07 16.20 8.18 3.10 8.43 7.35 41
42 Toulouse France 29% 1.46 1.31 4.64 3.13 13.20 7.36 7.03 9.23 7.91 42
43 Philadelphia USA 23% 0.70 0.67 5.30 17.19 18.70 7.73 3.10 8.43 6.00 43
44 Edinburgh UK 29% 1.51 1.52 8.09 5.94 13.70 6.18 9.13 8.24 6.17 44
45 Brisbane Australia 28% 0.90 0.94 4.22 14.72 17.40 8.73 5.81 7.26 8.42 45
46 London UK 38% 1.51 1.52 9.91 10.44 16.20 8.09 9.13 8.24 6.85 46
47 Wellington New Zealand 34% 1.41 0.88 7.77 3.82 10.70 9.64 5.19 6.87 8.94 47
48 Vancouver Canada 39% 0.93 0.77 8.18 5.87 15.00 9.73 5.19 8.83 5.59 48
49 Liverpool UK 40% 1.51 1.52 8.60 6.51 15.60 6.55 9.13 8.24 8.42 49
50 Boston USA 28% 0.70 0.67 6.94 16.44 16.80 7.36 3.10 8.43 5.81 50
51 Paris France 27% 1.46 1.31 9.50 4.99 15.00 4.45 6.42 10.00 2.31 51
52 Chicago USA 26% 0.70 0.67 9.26 15.16 13.80 6.64 3.10 8.43 4.22 52
53 Tallinn Estonia 26% 1.25 1.23 5.37 4.18 8.80 9.45 6.85 9.23 4.58 53
54 Budapest Hungary 22% 1.20 1.19 2.49 1.86 16.80 4.00 4.58 5.10 7.59 54
55 Melbourne Australia 33% 0.90 0.94 2.98 15.50 17.50 7.82 5.81 7.26 8.78 55
56 San Diego USA 27% 0.70 0.67 3.56 10.12 11.20 9.00 3.10 8.43 8.13 56
57 Adelaide Australia 27% 0.90 0.94 1.90 7.08 11.90 8.36 5.81 7.26 9.33 57
58 Lisbon Portugal 36% 1.57 1.32 7.19 2.09 8.10 9.09 4.50 9.80 4.73 58
59 Manchester UK 29% 1.51 1.52 9.10 5.89 14.30 1.36 3.01 10.00 7.21 59
60 Tel Aviv Israel 39% 1.69 1.55 5.63 1.72 21.90 2.64 8.34 6.47 3.68 60
61 Sydney Australia 39% 0.90 0.94 9.68 26.34 15.60 8.45 5.81 7.26 4.04 61
62 Cape Town South Africa 35% 0.96 0.96 7.19 1.02 17.50 2.18 1.09 6.87 3.70 62
63 Copenhagen Denmark 32% 1.61 1.35 5.79 4.41 16.20 4.82 4.67 5.50 9.35 63
64 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia 43% 0.49 0.47 2.82 1.06 30.50 2.73 1.35 7.84 4.22 64
65 Miami USA 30% 0.70 0.67 2.85 6.07 19.40 7.55 3.10 8.43 2.76 65
66 Nice France 38% 1.46 1.31 4.64 4.99 12.40 4.18 6.42 10.00 7.91 66
67 Johannesburg South Africa 47% 0.96 0.96 7.77 1.93 26.80 1.73 1.09 6.87 4.74 67
68 Riga Latvia 23% 1.14 1.01 2.57 2.90 18.10 3.55 4.06 3.54 5.28 68
69 Dublin Ireland 43% 1.44 1.28 4.47 3.19 9.40 8.91 7.99 7.84 6.65 69
70 New York USA 35% 0.70 0.67 9.42 27.61 11.20 8.55 3.10 8.43 2.58 70
71 Antwerp Belgium 30% 1.47 1.35 3.48 2.84 10.00 4.64 4.76 8.04 7.48 71
72 Brussells Belgium 38% 1.47 1.35 2.82 3.36 14.40 5.27 4.76 8.04 7.71 72
73 Athens Greece 36% 1.64 1.36 6.04 6.61 35.50 3.18 1.96 9.60 3.14 73
74 Santiago Chile 43% 1.13 0.73 2.08 2.74 22.40 2.00 2.83 8.24 4.55 74
75 Milan Italy 27% 1.63 1.47 1.99 6.03 34.90 3.27 4.93 5.70 4.19 75
76 Los Angeles USA 45% 0.70 0.67 4.22 10.12 20.50 7.27 3.10 8.43 3.68 76
77 Beijing China 46% 0.95 0.84 1.83 1.50 22.40 1.64 1.96 5.90 6.26 77
78 Shanghai China 48% 0.95 0.84 2.24 1.64 34.90 1.82 2.31 2.37 7.17 78
79 Rome Italy 35% 1.63 1.47 3.30 4.87 22.40 4.36 4.93 5.70 3.52 79
80 Buenos Airies Argentina 42% 1.30 1.14 4.96 2.01 25.60 4.91 2.75 3.16 1.92 80
81 Sofia Bulgaria 29% 1.11 1.08 2.66 1.18 13.20 2.91 4.41 2.17 3.02 81
82 Hong Kong China 41% 1.94 1.52 3.30 3.18 39.20 2.45 1.96 5.90 5.09 82
83 Warsaw Poland 37% 1.15 1.11 3.81 1.16 10.60 3.64 3.97 2.37 4.01 83
84 Moscow Russia 41% 0.70 0.65 4.96 3.34 18.10 3.73 1.79 1.77 2.12 84
85 Bangkok Thailand 61% 0.98 0.73 2.91 1.35 21.20 3.00 1.00 7.07 3.54 85
86 St Petersburg Russia 44% 0.70 0.65 6.04 3.34 17.40 3.73 1.79 1.77 1.00 86
87 Jakarta Indonesia 58% 0.63 0.68 1.09 0.38 17.50 2.09 2.66 3.93 3.68 87
88 Bucharest Romania 50% 1.11 1.10 2.31 0.57 16.20 3.91 4.32 1.00 3.99 88
89 Sao Paulo Brazil 30% 1.18 0.97 3.20 6.21 15.00 3.36 1.44 2.57 4.06 89
90 Rio de Janeiro Brazil 37% 1.18 0.97 3.56 4.13 12.50 2.55 1.44 2.57 4.51 90
91 Istanbul Turkey 49% 1.47 1.29 1.56 1.69 11.80 2.27 4.23 6.87 1.49 91
92 Mexico City Mexico 66% 0.92 0.87 5.46 6.97 17.50 3.09 2.92 6.09 4.62 92
93 Bogota Colombia 48% 0.75 0.69 1.56 5.22 12.50 2.36 4.93 4.53 1.22 93
94 Ho Chi Minh Vietnam 64% 0.79 0.61 1.16 1.10 14.90 1.91 1.26 2.57 5.77 94
95 Bangalore India 64% 1.12 0.93 1.32 0.86 18.70 1.45 2.40 4.13 1.94 95
96 Mumbai India 67% 1.12 0.93 6.04 0.95 8.10 1.55 2.40 4.13 3.20 96
97 Ulaanbaatar Mongolia 65% 0.63 0.68 1.00 2.00 21.80 1.18 1.61 1.20 4.19 97
98 Lagos Nigeria 60% 0.46 0.65 1.25 0.32 10.70 1.00 1.70 2.76 3.50 98
99 Karachi Pakistan 59% 0.66 0.74 1.38 0.56 11.20 1.09 2.22 3.54 1.81 99
100 Kolkota India 69% 1.12 0.93 1.41 0.31 11.20 1.27 2.40 4.13 4.24 100