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10 Motorcycle Safety Tips Every Rider Should Know

Motorcycle safety tips

There is absolutely no denying that a riding a motorcycle is a lot more fun than cars and it is more fuel efficient as well.

However, when it comes to safety, motorcycles just cannot beat cars or other four-wheeled vehicles.

That is quite obviously because of just two wheels that make it challenging when it comes to balancing on rough terrains and uneven roads.

Here are 10 motorcycle safety tips that every rider must know and follow in order to overcome the risks of accidents.

1. Course on Safety

Riding a motorcycle requires skills and you need to pass the test to get your licence to ride. But there are advanced safety courses designed for motorcyclists that help you tackle real-life situations more effectively.

In this course, you can learn about the safety rules and laws abiding them in your state, the kind of risks that are involved on roads while riding and how to handle each type of situation.

You can even learn about the actions you can take to save a life in emergency situations too. So when you undergo this course, not only can you become more confident of hitting the road, but you will learn to become a safe rider as well.

2. Gear-Up

The second most important step before you hit the road is getting the right safety gear for you and your partner. The first rule is to completely cover yourself and avoid wearing shorts and slippers.

You need a reinforced jacket, riding boots, sturdy trousers like denim or leather, elbow and knee pads, ankle support, helmet, gloves and safety eyeglasses. There are different types of safety gear depending on your specific riding needs.

It all depends on the type of motorcycle you are riding, the distance, type of terrain, etc. Modern safety gear offers convenience along with protection; like the bluetooth motorcycle helmet that allows you to answer calls while on the move.

3. Get an Inspection Done

This is one of the basic motorcycle safety tips and you must not ignore this step whatsoever. Even if your motorcycle is brand new, you need to do the basic inspection.

Check the brakes, condition of the engine, any loose bolts or parts, mirrors, or any mechanical hazards. If you unsure what all to look for in specific, get an expert to have a check and give you the green signal to take off on the road.

4. Study the route

When you are planning a road trip on your motorcycle, make sure to learn about the route. See if you find out how the roads are on that route if there is a dedicated motorcycle lane, speed limits, lay-bys, etc.

This will help you prepare well and gear up accordingly. Some roads require more than just your basic safety gear and studying the route will help you strengthen your safety measures.

  1. Stay Focussed on The Road

All motorcycle safety tips tell you to do this and it’s a no-brainer. When you are riding a motorcycle, you have to be more focussed and cautious than driving a car.

Pay attention to the view in front of you and on the road. This will help you know when to brake and when to slow down. Watch out for wet and slippery roads, railroad crossings and stop lights, etc.

6. Educate Your PassengerCouples riding pillion - tuscany motorcycle

There are certain safety rules that your passenger sitting behind must be aware of too. Make sure you tell your partner how to behave while on the road. All he/she is expected to do is sit tight and not try any stunts which can prove dangerous to both.

Certain things your partner must not do is try to look behind, move the body while in motion, stand up or bend down on any side. Your motorcycle will lose control with any such sudden movements.

7. Learn About The Weather

This is very important part of planning your motorcycle ride, especially when you are planning a long distance trip. Check the weather forecast not just in your city but everywhere you are traveling on your motorcycle on that day.

Avoid riding when there are rough weather conditions and see if the route has sufficient motels where you can stop by in case of emergencies. Certain weather conditions make riding impossible due to a lack of visibility and slippery roads in case of rain.

8. Avoid distractions

Every second, while you are riding a motorcycle, requires your to remain cautious. There will be plenty of opportunities to get distracted and if you find anything really worth watching, just slow down and stop for the view.

Never try to look anywhere other than the road ahead of you. Avoid taking phone calls and if you think you cannot miss some call, think about helmets with Bluetooth that come with built-in earphones and mic to answer your calls.

Never ever take your hands off your bike as it is more dangerous than while driving a car.

9. Maintain a Healthy Speed

Speed limits are created for a reason and every route and road has a different limit. Make sure to stay within that limit to avoid risks. Use common sense while making a judgment on your speed.

If the road is empty and wide without many vehicles, it is okay to ride at top speed as per the limit set for that road.

If there are too many turns and bends, it is best to ride at a slowes pace to avoid surprises, especially where there are blind spots. You should only ride at a speed that you are confident of controlling the bike.

10. Ride in a Good Mood

Stressful, sad, disturbed, angry or even drowsy are not the times when you must consider riding.

Make sure you have had enough sleep, you are in a good mood, free of any stress and just very happy about going on the road trip. Plan your motorcycle rides only when you are in a positive physical and mental state.

The same applies to your partner as well. It is also a good idea to ride in groups as you always have help when in need.

These motorcycle safety tips are applicable not just to beginners but to professional riders as well.

You may not be comfortable in following some of these tips but consider them as mandatory rules if you want to ensure your safety throughout the ride.

There are a lot of tips that can be taught to you but it is mostly your common sense that you need to apply during every second of your ride.

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