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The smoothest way design and get custom paint on your new motorcycle helmet

Have you ever wanted a custom paint job done on your helmet, but just can’t quite describe what it is that you want done? A little color here, some sparkle there. You know, make it look fancy.

The painters that I know prefer clear and detailed instructions. Broad and open ended comments about “pretty and fancy” are about the worst descriptions you can hand over. (Unless you’re preference is to give up creative control, – just be sure to be happy with whatever you get back.) What a custom painter does NOT like is repainting anything that they have put time, money, and their creative life-blood into.

This is where Helmade comes in.

Founded early January, 2016 Helmade is a 3 people start-up from Germany. These guys (and gal) are fascinated with all things helmets, design, and digital culture. Bringing this passion and their backgrounds in digital business together, they are taking the helmet business to the next level.

It’s about time.

We developed a configurator, that allows you to design your own helmet from a wide range of designs, more than 100 colors , effects etc. etc.  – Robin from Helmade Team.


By partnering with Bell and Arai to start, they can focus in and work out any early bumps in the design-to-doorstep process.

We´re working hard on putting more and more products, designs etc. in our configurator.  – Robin.

The online helmet design tool looks great, and works fast. Here are 10 designs of the Bell Bullit Motorcycle Helmet that I was able to put together in about 10 minutes flat.

Check’em out:

Go and give the motorcycle helmet design tool a spin for yourself here.

Bullitt’s for sale:


And it’s not just the Bullitt that is up for the treatment;

The Bell Moto 3 Helmet is also available to design, check it out!